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Date Posted: 04:58:55 04/03/19 Wed
Author: Carlo G. Soldevilla

Please don’t forget to check the appropriate circle. Thanks.
O 1st Draft
O 2nd Draft
O Final Draft

-prepared by Carlo G. Soldevilla for the Commission on Population and Development


There was once a story about the painting of the L-rd supper which took so long a time to finish. Jesus and the other disciples were already painted except for Judas. The artist, Leonardo da Vinci, found it so hard to find a model to portray the image of Judas. As time flew, the painter finally found the right model for Judas.

The subject agreed to be painted for a price just to be portrayed as Judas.

Finally, the painter was able to finish the painting the L-rd supper. Thanks to Judas, whom the painter never realized that the model for Judas was that same model of Christ. The subject (Judas) was doubly paid at separate time and he was so happy to be the model for Christ when he was not yet old and for Judas (for so long number of years that his body had a ‘wear and tear’ and had ‘transformed’ to look exactly like Judas.
That’s the story behind the painting of Da Vinci regarding the L-rd’s Supper.

Art is the highest form of hope.

Everyday, we face a world of art: Designs of cakes, cars, jars, interior designs of shops & offices, cuts of fine linen of clothes, outlines of speeches. Everywhere or at every corner, there is art.

On the other aspect, Dalai Lama said and I quote that artists must very careful because their medium is very powerful and it has great influence to those who see it.
According to an OBgyne-painter, a doctor can heal the body, but art can heal the soul.

A picture can paint a thousand words. Thus, this proposal to paint murals on POPCOM walls.


To make RP-FP and other POPCOM desired messages visible through art , specifically, visual art.


POPCOM had been using art to advocate.
By way of using music & drama, hiring PETA talents, getting vocal artists, actors and actresses (Angel Locsin, Nonoy Zuniga, Julius Babao & his wife, Ronnie Rickets and his wife, Lea Salonga, Gary Granada), POPCOM had become efficient in advocating population programs.

POPCOM had also been inviting painters through exhibits and contests and this only shows that POPCOM is always finding effective ways to communicate or to ‘advertise’ POPULATION & POPULATION CONCERNS as its by-product/s.


Create a ‘Mona Lisa’ by way of murals


To have one ‘life-saving capsule’ or ‘capsulized art messages’ (message that speaks of the POPCOM brand by just one mere look or sight. This speaks that one brand has it all.).

When you think of toothpaste, you have colgate in mind. Of motorcycle, you have Honda. Of piano, you have yamaha. When you think of POPCOM , you have condom. Perhaps, it’s time to change this idea or notion. Instead, what must be on one’s mind is that ONE LOVING FAMILY. This must be the specific objective which, to the core, supports our premiere theme of Empowering Filipino Families .


To imprint on the minds of the masses One Loving Family through art form.

Materials Needed:

Oil paints

(All rainbow colors ROYGBIV – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (maong pants color), violet, white, black although black can be obtained by mixing all the colors.).

Linseed oil
Thinner (paint thinner)
Brush (All sizes: 4 inches, 3 inches, 2 inches, 1 inches & all types: flat, thick and fan type)

Note: The paint (medium) must stick to the concrete product in making the mural . We may ask Job Manalang of POPCOM CAR, who maybe into ‘part-time’ art business (3-dimensional or 3D-painting) to suggest of what kind of paints and painting materials to be bought. (However, this is Job’s trade secret. He can always opt not to share what he knows). It maybe a good try to ask him about what painting materials to buy.


Hire an artist to agree for a ‘contract for a piece of work in doing murals’. Atty. Prieto may prepare the legal form for this. Thanks.-Carlo

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