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Date Posted: 06:18:14 02/26/14 Wed
Author: jean the frenchie
Subject: school medical exam

I have read a few messages on that subject in the archive 2
the discussion was started by "Julie Marannes" who told that she is a nurse assisting a female doctor at school physicals of boys and girls.

There was a few of answers, not very much, and it seems that it is pretty the same procedure in the countries (United States and UK) where took place these school physicals.

There was a more thorough examination of boys at the beguinning of puberty in these countries including normally a check of retraction of the foreskin and a check for hernia or a visual inspection as well as for testees and penis.

It seems that it lasted a little more time for boys than for girls even if the former ones were a little embarrassed by their examination by a doctor who was generally a woman and was assisted by a female nurse who could view all of the examination.

For younger boys until 12 age, it is said that generally the female doctor pulled down herself thir pants while she asked to the oldest more than 12 age to do it themselves.

It was not seldom to notice an erection but it was not an issue according to the nurses messages.

In her message, Julie Marannes is telling that years ago there was three boys being examined in the examination room, one for the urine sample, one for measurements and one for the examination by the doctor. They were all three in underwears.Now each boy is examined alone by the doctor and the nurse. I am asking who has decided to change the set up of the examination because it mmakes win time to have three boys together in the examination room.
Is it a decision of the doctor to respect more the sense of modesty of the boys or a rule decided by the school or other authorities.

Also what about older boys aged of 16 or more until the last year of high school?
How were they examined ? like the younger ones or differently? and how are they exaùmined now ?

And how is performed the inspection of the curvature of the spine.

I ask it because at my time many years ago in an only school boys we had a physical examination each year of school from 12 to 18 age and we were always instructed to remove our brief for the inspection of the curvature of the spine, to bend over with arms in continuation of the shoulders at first, and with arms touching our ankles right after while the doctor made her finger slide down all along the spine and then to walk a few steps towards the wall to leave her and the nurse see us walking from the back. It was rather embarrassing as much in my opinion as the hernia test and the inspection of testees and penis.

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