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Date Posted: 11:38:10 02/12/02 Tue
Author: Carnage
Subject: {.With Hands Behind My Back.}
In reply to:
's message, "+Cross Me+" on 11:35:19 02/12/02 Tue
{.Obvious 'tis one who thought highly o' herself. An arrogant brute. Not one he would be fond o' if her temper didn't improve. And as to the question. "If she was to be handled?". Easily could the brute take on feminee. If she wished a challenge, the defeat would belong to she. For 'twas not wise to take on death himself.}
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+Mockery+ -- +Kryp†oni†e+, 11:42:36 02/12/02 Tue
+Nay,She did not think highly of herself.Yet on the contarary.She only spoke the truth.She hasth gone through many Relms.Gone through many steeds.Yet none could contain she.None had spirit.If steed thought he could beat any and all.Then he is the one who is arrogent.She did not desire to challenge brute.Fond of?Aye is that it.Did he call this a temper.He hasth not seen her temper+
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{.Death.} -- Carnage, 11:46:34 02/12/02 Tue
{.To mock is to submit oneself to submit oneself to the powers o' the weak. For actions speak louder than words. A wry smile graces hardened facials 'fore he winds his way 'mongst the shadows. 'Been through many steeds, none of which able to tame her?'. That was not so. For in the claiming o' the she, he had already taken the first step to console. And the lead stud had right to remain arrogant, as he held his harem within his wrath and ghastly reign. And the temper o' all the hell-gods within the boundaries t'would break loose if any o' his temper t'was released. She was a harmless house cat in the midst o' the wild.}
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+£ash+ -- +Kryp†oni†e+, 12:10:59 02/12/02 Tue
+Khaki toned Bitch glares at steed.Harmless house cat,eh?A right to be Arrogant?Never.If she t'was a harmless house cat then he t'was a little mouse.Doomed in her shadow.If he wished to hate she.Then so be it+
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{.Mirthless.} -- Carnage, 12:17:31 02/12/02 Tue
{.A mirthless laugh escapes he, an uncontrolled vibration o' the hate unleashed within he. A driving cry to those who did not wish to enter his wrath. He gave respect to those deserving, and feminee had not proven herself so. A rank had she been given? T'would most likely be taken from her. Vigilance, the constant factor in all trades. She would have to watch her back for now, and later perhaps gain acceptance from the harem.}
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+Again+ -- +Kryptonite+, 12:24:57 02/12/02 Tue
+Once again.A steed who out casts one.When they only have a mind of there own.One who would not be pushed around.One who would not cower.How amusing.How arrogant 'o he.Apex raises in defiance and domiance.As Bitch turns apex.Fore's slicing terra as she performs two-beated candice out of relm+
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