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Date Posted: 08:11:52 03/02/02 Sat
Author: .shadow's tribulation.
Subject: .yet, i am here, am i not?.

**mocking laughter dances within dark pools, a simple dip of crest issued t' carnage, patriarch of the harem. none within this harem truly know me, and few have gained my respect. know now, my king, what i say to you, and to the others. a sardonic smirk dances 'cross hardened features. the respect i pay you is due only to your rank, for true respect comes with time, and with time, worth shall be seen. i have befriended the one called martyr... a sudden, sorrowful gaze is cast t'ward realm of havoc. -and i have quarreled with her**

.now, tell me you do not know me.

.for it is true, and not total denial.

.the martyr's sacrifice was a true friend.

.yet, as time went on.

.understanding fled her mind.

.loyalty i held for my friend.

.and she denied me even that.

**gaze flickers to the three, a shrouded figure ensconsed within the past, for ne'er could have one experienced such as he. i know you not, and you know me not. it shalt not stay that way, shall it, my friends? you who have traveled much should know. my loyalty is strong to those who have gained my trust. to hope that one day you will earn it... that one day, a true alliance shall i meet**

.oh, but you do not know me?.

.strange, 'tis strange indeed.

.yet wonderful, an ersatz joy.

.a cryptic mystery of the seven seas.

.and you have found it.

.there it only one thing left to do.

.to reach it, to bring it back.

.but how?.

.shadow's tribulation.

(as i said before, my characters are different, even in gender, but where one goes, the other is there too. it's like...their feelings and their memories are shared.)

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[> .sometimes.being.sane.is.crazy. -- a.ß.k.h.a.z.i.a, 08:18:42 03/02/02 Sat

. sardonic smirk . demoness stagered forth .

. m'lord i apologize . yet alliance hath thee not .

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[> [> .as do i. -- .shadow's tribulation., 11:07:44 03/02/02 Sat

**a cool gaze is cast upon she, quiet lingerance, as the virile watches, undaunted. a bitter smirks plays upon labrums. ahh, we have a misunderstanding, my dear friend. i may not have alliances here, but yes, many, in other lands. a wild light flickers within orbs of fathomless dark. yes, i dare you to deny this simple fact, for it is true - truer than one would think. the martyr's sacrifice has been both friend and foe to me, and woe betide if here ends the cycle. no, martyr is not a good enemy, but i made my choice, i did what i had to, and i do not regret it**

.but o, of course, you do not know of it.

.you, my friend, have no idea what i am implying.

.my honor is my life, my loyalty unwavering.

.but alas, that loyalty has been earned only by one.

.so many is it that are unworthy in my eyes.

.be thankful, dear friend, that i am not your enemy.

.not yet, indeed, not yet.

**a soft snort emitted through flared nares, a celestial figure shrouded amongst the night sky. unless you make it so, a.ß.k.h.a.z.i.a, i have no fight with you. ask my allies, my friends. they know i do not provoke. but defend i will, if need be. whether it be myself or my friend, loyalty comes first for me, but death be not proud. do you deny this?**

.i see worth within you.

.but do you see worth in me?.

.for i do, i do, and you cannot deny.

.deny your mind, but you cannot deny your heart.

.i want no fight against you, or others.

.but indeed, those who provoke me.

.become my personal enemies.

.shadow's tribulation.

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