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Subject: Yep! Time for you so suck my 15" cock! | |
Author: Tom (Dripping) [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 21:37:52 03/04/07 Sun [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
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Subject: Happy Holidays | |
Author: board-administrator [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 09:50:19 12/27/07 Thu A moment to say Hi! And thanks to all who do this job, and for doing what you do. Unfortunately some won’t be able to be there in the morning or at night with their families during these holidays, As we have to secure the rest of society from these convicted felons. To all out there no matter where you are be safe and have a happy, Holiday season and be thankful for what you have and what you get. Hope all look forward to a better year in 08. Bless all of you for doing such a thankless job. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: BASIC RIGHTS | |
Author: HITLOD [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 09:44:35 11/11/07 Sun Dear fellow Brothers and Sisters of the MA DOC and HOC, This is to inform you of the formation of the “Hurt In The Line Of Duty” (HITLOD) support group. HITLOD was created out of the dyer need to learn and share information about the I.A. system, your Healthcare treatment and your over all Rights. HITLOD was created by and for those who are affected by it. We are mostly Unit 4 members and we’re not asking for handouts BUT we do need and want your support. * You can help by signing up on our emailing list and pass this message on. The following are some basic RIGHTS and first steps to take when HURT IN THE LINE OF DUTY… *If you were injured in the line of duty seek medical help for real serious injuries get to an ER for treatment and if able let your Boss and Union know you got hurt a.s.a.p.. * No matter who first helps you medically follow up immediately with your Primary Care Physician (PCP). Explain exactly what happen and list all of your injuries no matter how trivial. *Most important do not let your PCP farm you out to any outside overall healthcare providers i.e. a workman’s comp clinics also known as “occupational health clinics” of any type without a clear understanding of your Rights. *The only healthcare providers you should be seeing outside your PCP are specialists referred by your PCP for your specific injuries and or those you choose to see. Note; you could be ordered by the boss/system to see their doctors but you still have rights. Sincerely, HITLOD [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: Lames, give it to Co's | |
Author: co [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 10:25:18 05/07/07 Mon [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
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Subject: Hey tom its that time again | |
Author: cpoII [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 12:27:34 02/27/07 Tue [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |