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Thursday, February 06, 03:02:29pmLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: [1]23 ]

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Date Posted: 02/ 5/07 10:03pm
Author: 2
Author Host/IP: dsluser-65-254-165-118.gcronline.net /
Subject: Re: Shameful day for the NFL
In reply to: Cowboy Grizz 's message, "Re: Shameful day for the NFL" on 02/ 4/07 5:40pm

Not surprisingly, you missed the point. The Crackhead could have finished with more TDs than Monk. Who cares? It would not change my position. Monk should be in already. He was the consummate professional on and off the field during his playing days and still is today.

Monk played on a successful, multiple Super Bowl team that already had the deep-threat guys (read..."TD guys"). Nearly 2/3 of his receptions went for first downs. Most of those were on 3rd down. He was one of the very best all-time "keep-the-possession-going" receivers.
Because of the nature of the Skins game, he was often asked to line up as a tight end to block, which we both know...helped lead to a huge ground game and those Super Bowl runs. He never once complained about not getting the ball. It was always about the team.

On the other hand.........

While The Crackhead was a primary receiver on a successful team, and reached the endzone 65 times, it looks like he would have eventually acted like he had been there before, but...he did not. On numbers alone, he probably deserves to be in, but he was not a team player. He constantly verbalized his wish for the ball to be thrown his way. I gave him credit for being a hard-worker, but he was selfish on the field.

The point is, there is no rational argument that anyone can present that should keep Monk out while The Crackhead gets in. If anyone has one, let the debate begin...

I believe the Hall of Fame should put some degree of emphasis on the character of those with great numbers...after all, I thought it is supposed to be the Hall of Fame, rather than the Hall of Shame.

...and I can honestly say, and you can quote me on this, "NO! I would never want The Crackhead to play on the Skins."

cya soon, Grizz!

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