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Date Posted: 12:39:38 02/07/08 Thu
Author: Poop 66 (Poop on You - on Cortes)
Subject: Re: "regain their culture and lifestyle"
In reply to: Oyster Poop 2 's message, ""regain their culture and lifestyle"" on 11:27:41 02/06/08 Wed

You Rant and Rave like a Racist lunny

Clearcutting on cortes island was stopped by M+B. But their eco-logging plans of 1ac openings leaving 80% of the forest standing was unacceptable to the Rabid extremers like you. So after decades of working with the community They gave up. So Jenks and others are moving in. The current mess is because of dimwitts like yourself.

I'd say your hydro should be cut off because you don't want it. Settle Klahoose land claims you say. Please lead by example have you sent them rent money for permission to live on Planet earth yet.

Don't want power TURN IT OFF.

Better yet Leave .... Then it would be a nicer island.

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