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Date Posted: 00:10:43 02/16/08 Sat
Author: stan oliver
Subject: Re: Typical Stans Ranting !
In reply to: Oysters Pooping 's message, "Typical Stans Ranting !" on 10:17:39 02/15/08 Fri

Thank you to the lighting director for the this BULLSHIT! My ranting is FACT. Get over it. No plans to leave the island ANYTIME SOON!

>Nice to know that the "alternate" forum isn't any more
>civil than this one. Stan seems to know it all and
>wants to know everyone's REAL names so he can
>terrorize and badmouth them in the community. I must
>ask Stanley, how on earth do you know just who's on
>welfare etc ? And you say you go to CR all the time
>for whatever reasons. Why don't you support the island
>and buy all your groceries here ? And perhaps you
>could move off entirely if your medical problems are
>getting out of hand. The last thing this ferry needs
>are those weekly ferry addicts. Like why the heck are
>you still hanging around on this rock ???
>"One third of the island is on WELFARE... another
>third operates on GOVERNMENT GRANTS... one eighth work
>for CRAP WAGES & then there is the pensioners.... the
>rest live off of family welfare, better known as
>INHERITANCE. Then there are the DISABLE. To which one
>of the above noted do you come under.... FAMILY
>WELFARE, because of your lack of ETHICS and COMPASSION!
>Why not use your REAL NAME? Do you have something to
>Me, I have nothing to hide. I go to Campbell River
>more than I would like, for MEDICAL reasons, BUSINESS
>& grocery shopping. Is that the best you can come up
>with "YOU A MORAL INDIVIDUAL"! Nice to see that you
>are a "community conscious person without compassion"

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  • Re: Typical Stans Ranting ! -- Bub (Do Tell the Truth), 03:09:11 02/18/08 Mon
  • Posted A Picture ! Congrads ! -- Anonamouse, 07:55:16 02/19/08 Tue
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