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Date Posted: 22:43:12 02/22/08 Fri
Author: sunflower
Subject: Re: whaletown park again
In reply to: anonanonanon 's message, "Re: whaletown park again" on 20:36:14 02/22/08 Fri

They have no interest in selling it to the community. Also it is in a very public place, if the hall had to be rebuilt there---and the hall will not live forever, it is over 70 years old--- it would be a much worse place, you couldn't make a sound, you hardly can where it is. The Whaletown of the future may be much built up; a sizable piece of public land will be important to it in 50 years which is not as long as you think; and I reiterate the S. end is well supplied w/ parks and playgrounds, the N. end has nothing, except lots of land owned by logging companies, and 4 subdivisions in the last 20 years.

>A further thought...
>The Schoolboard is probably reluctant to sell their
>Whaletown property because future expansion could
>trigger the need for another Island school (not
>without a major increase in zoning density, but they
>probably haven't thought it through fully).
>So how about the community offers to buy their
>property with an agreement to accommodate a future
>school if one is ever needed?
>The current funds may be enough to pull it off if the
>Island agrees to contribute the park funds. (Hint:
>maybe we should ask this time.)
>Whaletown Commons? Offer to lease it from IT until we
>get our act together...

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