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Date Posted: 12:19:35 02/29/08 Fri
Author: Bub (Oh Yes Yes)
Subject: Re: whaletown park again
In reply to: anonanonanon 's message, "Re: whaletown park again" on 09:02:13 02/27/08 Wed

If the idea is to heap blame on someone for the plight of the Island's forests, we need to figure out who drove the bus into the ditch, not who sincerely tried to get it out with a different driving style.

The bus was driven into the ditch By Joel Solomon and investors who wanted select parcels. ie Hanks beach for commercial development. Anti Forestry jobs on forest zoned land is a "Differant style" if thats what you mean???

Your scapegoat may view this community from an urban
perspective that doesn't fully appreciate the local
culture or economics here, but villain they ain't. Why
did things change from a cooperative, friendly
relationship with M+B into to selling everything under
our noses? Renewal had nothing to do with it.

Joel Solomon and Renewal Corporation had everything to do with it. Many Islanders were working with M+B evolving long term ecoforestry plans that kept a healthy forest standing. But Mr Solomon had other plans. His 50 year investment vision for Cortes Island.

And for heaven's sake this profit theory can get out
of hand if merely doing business with someone who
takes a profit makes us a profiteer even though we
took no profit! Every one of us who bought food in the
past week is a villain according to that theory...

Joel Solomon is the villain. Converting an Exemplary ecoforesty project into a realestate development and permanently impacting the forest health and surrounding neighbourhood.

Joel Solomon

Joel is President of Renewal Partners and Executive Director of the Endswell Foundation. Joel was born and raised in Tennessee and has a diverse background in politics, real estate, horticulture, seed capital, and philanthropy. Beginning in the mid-1990's, Joel was invited to participate in the creation and development of a new model of strategic capital placement for social good, Renewal Partners and the Endswell Foundation, based in Vancouver, British Columbia. Renewal and Endswell's missions have been to utilize early stage investing and charitable grant making to promote a sustainable, environmentally beneficial vision for the BC economy. Among the better known companies in the Renewal portfolio are Happy Planet Foods, Small Potatoes Urban Delivery, Real Assets Investment Management, Communicopia.net, Stonyfield Farms, Hollyhock, and Capers Markets. In the late 1990's, Joel's long term interests in progressive philanthropy resulted in his leading the development of Endswell's visionary program of promoting sustainable environmental practices in BC, followed quickly by the launching of Tides Canada Foundation, an effort to build a Canadian version of the structure of Tides US, on whose Board he has served for the past seven years.


Joel Solomon and Bankers control an Octopus of shady corporations at 220 Cambie Street in Vancouver, bouncing money from one to the other. Financing eco-dissent attempting to devalue resourses so his social investors can swoop it up. Its failed on Cortes.

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