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Date Posted: 13:26:46 03/04/08 Tue
Author: Asshole
Subject: Sorry Jerry.
In reply to: Jerry 's message, "Re: Takes 1 To Know 1 !!!" on 08:11:37 03/04/08 Tue

This is not www.cortesisland.com. So you're free to swear, pull your hair or do anything else to get your point accross. And I'd like to know how anyone throwing insults can get bragging rights when they choose to remain anonamouse ! I think Stan's ranted and insulted enough people so he can take a little of his own medicine from time to time. I guess if it offends you, Jerry you don't have to read it. Personally, I've been called everything under the sun on the net. At first it may have felt bad but I've learned not to take it personally. Most REAL dialogue involves the clashing of ideas and evokes strong emotions. That sometimes leads to insults and ranting. In real meetings and in-person confrontations the dialogues tend to not go very far. Otherwise there would be more fisticuffs and ugly behaviour. I think it's far better to get it all out and off your chest on an anonymous forum such as this. It may even be healing. At least it's better than talking about the weather and never airing our differences. I don't hate Stan at all, in fact I respect a lot of what he's said here and on the cortesisland forum. But I'm sure not going to go to a public meeting and be shouted down by those who hold the politically-correct view of the week. Been there, done that. Call me a f---ing coward if you like. Dat's fine with me ! Cheers, Jerry.

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