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Date Posted: 10:16:49 03/24/08 Mon
Author: Stan Oliver
Subject: More Censorship on Tideline

This was in response to Carrie Saxifrage's article on Tideline...
Could it be that Trueman is being paid off too!

Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:46:38 UT
From: "rctrue@telus.net"
To: "cortesnewfie@yahoo.ca"
CC: "rctrue@telus.net"
Subject: Re: Stale, Stale, Stale Opposition


I won't print this as it is. You, of course, have your "free" speech
forum that Mr Carter created. You should be using that rather than
banging your head here.


----Posted Item---------------
Author: Stan Oliver
Title: Stale, Stale, Stale Opposition
Just like you're opinion on the OCP, the petition you & a few cronies
manipulated people into signing, stale & useless. Is it because this
land is adjacent to Treedooms land that you have such opposition. By
the way, what is Treedooms long-term plan for their property? Martha
Abelson signed the petition you speak of and now she is selling the old
Jenks F1 Clear Cut. Could it get any more FALSE than that. I know
about the loophole in the zoning & still believe if Ms. Ableson was TRUE
about her conviction on not rezoning recently logged F1 she would not
have accepted the business to sell that recently logged F1. Money ,
money money, must be funny in a rich-man's world! Carrie I suggest you
stick to educating the knowledge thirsty children at Linnaea rather than
spreading rumor & redirect concerning the sale of property that is not
yours & have no vested interest in!

This email has been sent from the cortesisland.com Tideline website at

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