~*~ The Meredith ~*~
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Date Posted: 21:50:44 05/07/07 Mon
So I have this psychology prof, who is totally amazing. She is a great teacher, and she gets me (which few people do,) and she thinks alot like I do (which even fewer people do.) She is leaving at the end of the year, which makes me sad. They brought in the man who, may take her place next year, I didn't like him. There was just something about him that rubbeb me the wrong way, I just can't put my finger on it. The man did all work, and took all the exams that are required to get a degree in psychology, and then never wrote his discertation. Who does that, I mean really, it is like going to law school and not taking the bar exam! He does have a masters in theology though, and if theres one thing I don't need it's someone turning my psychology classes into Bible studies, or worship survices, I get theology enough everywhere else here. Not that I have anything against religion, everyone is entilted to their own beliefs, and I respect that everyone believes something different. It's just that i'm not excatly here for the religious aspect of it. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
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