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Ashwood University, Rochville University etc.

Ashwood University

Ashwood University is enlisted amongst the leading universities, offering accredited degrees successfully for many years. Ashwood University Life Experience Degree programs have proved to provide a richer learning experience for the working adults without requiring them to attend classes or appear in any sort of examinations. It is accredited by World Online Education Accrediting Commission (WOEAC) and Board of Online Universities Accreditation (BOUA).

Rochville University

Rochville University is recognized as the leading accredited online distance learning provider for several years. It enrolls students for distance learning programs offered in disciplines like Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate and Associate programs, specifically designed for working professionals. This university aims to educate broadly and profusely working professionals looking to continue their education with limited budget and time for education. It is fully accredited and recognized by Board of Online Universities Accreditation (BOUA) and Universal Council for Online Education Accreditation (UCOEA).

Belford University

Belford University caters the educational needs of thousands of working adults through its comprehensive life experience degree program. It is accredited by the International Accreditation Agency for Online Universities (IAAOU) & Universal Council for Online Education Accreditation (UCOEA). This university offers diverse range of majors which are based on learning without attending classes. It also provides comprehensive and consistent student services in order to facilitate students in their pursuit of life experience degrees.

University Of Phoenix

The University of Phoenix is one of the leading online Universities with over ten years of experience. It offers one of the advanced and relevant curriculums available in the entire world. It presently offers a large selection of associate, bachelors, master’s, doctorate and even a non degree programs.

Capella University

Capella University has been providing unparallel support for its students and graduates through the highest quality bachelor, master and doctoral degree programs in popular majors like business, technology, education, health services and psychology. Along with this, Capella provides a large variety of student services like alumni centre and extensive career services.

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