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Subject: Welcome To Gentle Touch's Mental Health And Other Issues Discussion Forum!

Gentle Touch owner/founder
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Date Posted: 00:07:41 03/16/01 Fri
Author Host/IP: adsl-117-29.ln.networkone.net/

Welcome to Gentle Touch's Web Mental Health And Other Issues Discussion Forum! :)

It is here that all types of mental health issues can be discussed, including hate crime survivor issues, substance abuse and recovery issues, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered issues, and many other issues not related to the other message board forums I have created.

I hope that this area can be of benefit to all who come here seeking information or a place to just discuss what's on their mind, with respect, a feeling of safety, and a true level of comfortability.

Please, due to the massive area of issues that can and will be discussed here, be respectful, to not flame others who have a different viewpoint than yours, and above all else, pleae watch your language! This area will be monitored closely and the use of any profanity is stricly forbidden, and if any posts are found to be offensive, or filled with profane language, I will not hesitate to pull such posts! Remember that this entire site has been approved by many organizations that deal with children, including Families on the Web, and if any child wanders in here and finds vulgar and obscene language, or comments that defame, put down, or in any way reflect hatred towards another due to their sexuality, spiritual/religous beliefs, ethnic background, etc, I WILL pull all such post foud!

Remember, our children ARE our future and it is for the good of them, and the future generations of this world, that this entire site exists! So please respect each other, and most importantly, respect the children who may wander in here!

Thank you for your understanding and for abiding by my guidelines! :)

Gentle hugs to all!
Gentle Touch
Gentle Touch's Web

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Hi ... thought I would drop by and say hello.. Good luck with the new forum..Wind Walker05:46:06 03/16/01 Fri

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