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Subject Author Date
[1080p] [MyDadsHotGirlfriend.com] Madison Scottrabbmack01:57:49 01/26/14 Sun
A Huge Dapple Grey Arab Comes in Hello I Am Midnight Dare I Would Like To Join HereDare08:57:09 03/29/01 Thu
A young bay stallion walks in coollyAdrian10:53:05 08/26/01 Sun
*entrance*Something Special16:22:30 08/24/01 Fri
Awaiting Mircal Worker....Passion Fruit18:25:21 08/20/01 Mon
black mare gallops inMidnight Sun12:12:49 08/17/01 Fri
JoinEcho08:24:09 08/21/01 Tue
Devil brute entersAn Outrage, For Shame20:10:17 08/16/01 Thu
A stallion walks inDeaths Revenge20:10:46 08/16/01 Thu
*a palomino mare walks in*Dark Gold18:38:00 08/12/01 Sun
Evil white coltChrisp Lightning08:45:18 07/27/01 Fri
A black mare gallopes in and rears upEnchantra of the Dark19:39:51 07/26/01 Thu
A young bright chestnut mare canters inSecret Sign17:42:22 07/21/01 Sat
Mare Canters in..Song of the South16:03:39 07/30/01 Mon
An evil mare thunderers inSilent Stalker11:57:39 07/30/01 Mon
A young stallion canters inTsnami11:52:34 07/30/01 Mon
A young stallion canters inTsnami11:50:43 07/30/01 Mon
A pretty bay filly with strange blue eyes carefully trots upVampiress08:43:00 07/27/01 Fri
She Lopes InSong of Valor12:57:43 07/25/01 Wed
A yung white Filly gallops in from a farLuck and Chance12:26:48 07/25/01 Wed
a gleaming white stallion gallops inThe Hobbit07:56:18 07/25/01 Wed
a gleaming white stallion gallops inThe Hobbit07:56:14 07/25/01 Wed
*A huge grey stallion walks in he looks up his black eyes shining and says........*Lord of darkness12:54:45 07/23/01 Mon
A dappled grey mare steps forth and snorts into the dewy morning air thinking is this were I belong?Avenger23:30:20 07/15/01 Sun
*dark bay mare canter in haughtily...she tosses her ebony black mane*Kayona19:40:42 07/21/01 Sat
JoinMelody Light17:49:35 07/21/01 Sat
JoiningLa Kizzja11:33:36 07/17/01 Tue
JoiningMystical Moonlight07:46:33 07/17/01 Tue
*a black arab mare canters in tossing her fine head proudly*Black Princess07:09:00 07/11/01 Wed
A black mare trots in, acting like a princess.Daughter of the Nile11:51:15 07/04/01 Wed
*mare gallops in, tail high in the air *Riley11:16:49 07/04/01 Wed
*small colt walks in*Ripti11:30:49 07/04/01 Wed
*a stallion canters in*Mysterious Magic07:23:36 07/05/01 Thu
*Joining*Meaning Of Life11:33:01 07/06/01 Fri
*a new young mare walks in....*Midnight Starry Sky22:33:50 07/03/01 Tue
:a stallion trots in:Sham21:11:26 06/25/01 Mon
*a small albino filly trots in*Jade Death12:49:00 06/26/01 Tue
:A bony filly steps forward: :She greats with a soft nicker:Chickidy01:36:52 06/19/01 Tue
+A r r i v a l+Umbra's Magic21:56:34 06/23/01 Sat
A stallion galops inDream Catcher17:09:06 06/23/01 Sat
:A young mare shyly trots into the herd:Flying Carpet01:14:54 06/19/01 Tue
*the Evil mare canters in*Avalonia14:26:42 06/05/01 Tue
JoiningDevil's Storm19:09:44 06/09/01 Sat
New HorseNight Star19:01:15 06/09/01 Sat
All new horses are welcomed at Dark Valley < If you reall think you can well take it (NT)Terror's Nightmare15:05:25 06/06/01 Wed
a beautiful Arabian mare canters in with her head high and tail flaggedMidnight20:11:44 06/02/01 Sat
Welcome all! (NT)VS16:10:47 06/03/01 Sun
**A beautiful white mare trots in**White Mist13:37:15 06/03/01 Sun
* The mare enters and rears letting out an shril whinny*Terror's Nightmare16:59:07 06/02/01 Sat
*A midnight black mare gallops in confidently, taking in her new surroundings*Shadows In The Mist01:03:50 06/01/01 Fri
*a Ghostly White stallion canters in* <i>hello I am Glory Ghost call me GGGG13:00:29 05/31/01 Thu
EVERYONE PLEASE READ>>>>>>>Alissa/Velvet Shadows (owner of the game)17:40:51 05/29/01 Tue
A filly and a colt walk in scaredSunset and Painted Star07:46:07 05/28/01 Mon
*Canters in*Corky (Hey Silver! It's Mons!)17:43:56 05/28/01 Mon
A beautiful Paint mare gallops inPainted Sun Set07:24:45 05/28/01 Mon
A beautiful Paint mare gallops inPainted Sunset07:26:38 05/28/01 Mon
*the beautiful Albino mare trots into the vale gracefully*Silver Fire (Oh Aliiiiissssaaaa....it's me! lol)11:32:28 05/27/01 Sun
Joining.........(inside)Fires Flame19:42:01 05/21/01 Mon
Joining! --------------------->Justi11:43:39 04/23/01 Mon
Joining>>>>Raha16:33:03 04/19/01 Thu
A strong stallion walks up>>>Keeden12:27:15 04/07/01 Sat
*the Evil black almost mare trots in*Danse Macabre (Danse, NOT Dance)14:29:54 04/14/01 Sat
I've created and evil tt: Evil Valley.Please put it up.The addy is: http://www.voy.com/25977 (NT)Death Moon08:55:45 04/14/01 Sat
The Beautiful Grey Mare Canters InMercury20:11:14 04/13/01 Fri
*The deathly white stallion gallops in*DM14:47:04 04/13/01 Fri
**NEW**Mercury20:03:45 04/13/01 Fri
*The brown stallion thunders in*Diamond Decision15:04:45 04/13/01 Fri
*The buckskin stallion canters in*Faded Glory14:59:00 04/13/01 Fri
*The beautiful black stallion thunders up*Death Star14:23:50 04/13/01 Fri
The Paradise Isle link>>>>>>Keeden22:44:51 04/08/01 Sun
A large, gray, musculer, stallion gallops in.->->->->insideLuke~*03:06:13 04/07/01 Sat
I will be gone unti Fri.VS20:03:41 04/02/01 Mon
Testing, Testing!VS09:47:47 03/19/01 Mon

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