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Subject: Diamond Gals & Guys- August 2nd 2008

Kate's Productions
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Date Posted: 09:24:56 05/13/08 Tue

Diamond Gals & Guys
Saturday August 2nd 2008
At the Knights of Columbus Hall
Jennings, Louisiana
Director: Kate’s Productions
Entry Fee $100

First 20 Paid will receive a 8 inch custum diamond Gals and Guys crown!

The Grand Supreme with the highest score will receive a pair of diamond earrings!!!

3 Grand Supreme Queens and 1 Grand Supreme King(all kings will receive a beautiful king crown) will receive a beautiful 10 inch custum diamond crown, monogramed banner with crown pin, luggage with gifts, and $100.00 in cash!!!

3 Mini Supreme Queens and 1 Mini Supreme King(all kings will receive a beautiful king crown) will receive a beautiful 10 inch custum diamond crown, monogramed banner with crown pin, luggage with gifts and $50 in cash!

11 Divisional Queens and 3 Kings(all kings will receive a beautiful king crown) will recieve a beautiful 10 inch custum diamond crown, monogramed banner with crown pin, and luggage with gifts!

3 Alternates in each division will receive a crown, tote bag with gifts, and a nice certificate!

Optional Awards
Most Beautiful, Most Photogenic, Best Fashion, Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Eyes, Pretties Smile, and Best Personality will receive a nice certificate!

Overall Optional
Overall Most Beautiful, Overall Best Fashion, and Overall Photogenic will receive a crown, certificate, and a gift!

Age Divisions:
0-11 Months, 12-23 Months, 2 Years, 3 Years, 4-5 Years, 6-7 Years, 8-9 Years, 10-12 Years, 13-15 Years, 16 & Up, and Mom/ Mrs.
Boys Divisions: 0-23, 2-3 Years, 4-5 Years!

Registration and Competition Times
0-3 and All Boys Registration 10:00 AM Competition 11:00 AM
4-9 years Registration 12:00 PM Competition 1:00 PM
10 & Up Registration 2:00 PM Competition 3:00 PM

0-3 & Boys Sunday Best
4 & Up Pageant Wear Only!

Rules and Regulations
Sorry No personal music no Pro Am moves or Gymnastics Moves Allowed!
1. Door admission is $10.00 for all adults and $5.00 for children under 12.
2.Attire for Sunday Best may wear hair and make-up age appropriate. Pageant Wear FULL GLITZ!!!
3.Southland Portraits will be there for all your portrait needs. Sorry no Cameras!
4.There is a dressing room available for changing
5.All groups must be on time to keep the system running smooth.
6.Do not ask who is in your group this information will not be given out.
7.Judges scores are finale.
8.Scores will be based on individually tenth of a point on: facial beauty 1-10, stage projection 1-10, overall appearance 1-10.
9.The stage will be in a T- Formation

There is a Holiday Inn located by the hall, book early if needed.
600 Holiday Dr. Jennings, La. 70546

Forms of Payment
Business Checks, personal checks, or cash!
Cash only at the doors!
There will be a $10.00 late fee at the doors!

3 Crowd Favorites
3 crowd favorites will be the contestants who have been chosen by the crowd. By the crowd voting for a contestants by placing a dollar per vote for the contestant of your choice. The Contestant with the most votes will win. You can vote as many times as you like!

Poor Sportsmanship will not be tolerated and will result in immediate disqualification and forfeit of all awards with no refund. If for some reason you are unable to compete you will receive a credit only! No Refunds!!!

You can mail your forms and payments to
5234 Riverside Road
Iota, La. 70543

Contestant #______Name:_________________________________Age__________
Birth date_______________ Hair Color________________
Eye Color________________
Favorite Color___________________________
Favorite Show___________________________
Phone #_______________________
E-mail address______________________________
Referred by______________________________________

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