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Date Posted: 17:01:54 07/20/08 Sun
Author: mom of 1ds
Subject: Change in dancing

I'm wondering something: My son has suddenly lost his turnout and cross, as well as lift and grace. Pretty much a mess dancing these days, dropping from firsts to low placement. He still loves dance, but his frustration is very apparent. Has this happened to any of your ds(s) and if so, what did you/he do?
Thanks in advance for any help.

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[> How old is he? My ds has had times when he would grow rapidly and everything would go to He** in a handbasket for a while. -- Irishmama, 19:26:49 07/20/08 Sun [1]

The good news is that it seems like once they take a short break from rapid growth, it does come back-they figure out what to do with the "too long" arms and big feet. Just support him thru it, his TC has probably seen this a lot of times. My ds was comforted by the fact that the older boys assured him that this had happened to them too. Hopefully we will get a bit of a respite from rapid growth for a bit now. Good luck to your ds.

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[> [> Change in dancing -- OP, 07:15:51 07/31/08 Thu [1]

Sorry for the delay in thanking you all. I'm glad to hear it may pass as he grows (he's 12). His feet seem to be the real problem, though carriage is a big issue. I just hate seeing him struggle. Thank you again. I love this board.

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[> Ditto - they do go through growth and maturing spurts and it tends to throw everything out of whack. Keep at it , practice hard and keep an open mind to what needs to be worked on - what worked before doesn't always work in a different body type - -- patience and perseverence do pay off, 19:43:40 07/20/08 Sun [1]

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[> With mine, it's usually due to a growth spurt (or one about to happen). Lots of stretching can help, but mostly time to get used to the different body. -- No name, 06:32:08 07/21/08 Mon [1]

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[> [> We've found such a large discrepancy in the "physicality" from age about 14 or so on. My son, who used to be a "peanut", is now one of the bigger guys dancing. He's had to adjust his style... -- ..and work with it., 18:09:30 07/21/08 Mon [1]

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