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Date Posted: 17:32:30 09/02/08 Tue
Author: sorry so long
Subject: You know, the hypocrisy and superior attitudes of some of you are disgusting!(more)
In reply to: Yes it's an issue 's message, "Ummm, yes! Can't take care of matters at home, special needs baby, and wants to help run our country???" on 13:52:31 09/02/08 Tue

Don't try to even pretend that you are all so perfect that your children do EVERYTHING exactly the way you want them to. God forbid any of you end up with an imperfect child. I kind of hope you do end up with one of your children in trouble and then you'll see what it's like to go through. My parents had 9 children, two ended up pregnant before marriage and you know what? They ended up happily married to the fathers, one for so far 28 years and the other for 30, and with great jobs as a nurse and an office manager. The rest of us ended up pretty well too: a lawyer (me), a priest, a hardware store manager, an executive with AT&T (the 4th girl), a utilities troubleshooter, a very successful car salesman, and an insurance claims adjuster. We loved our parents, our homelife, our religion, etc...The bible says do not judge others lest ye be judged. MAYBE you should heed that advice. Having a baby out of wedlock is very tough. Having a baby and a husband at 18 is pretty tough as well. I'll choose to pray for Palin's family instead of questioning her parenting. After all MY parents were the absolute best parents EVER and they had 2 daughters pregnant before marriage.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Well good for all of you! But I would venture to say that your parents did not choose to run for the VP of the USA, but instead chose to help out their kids, put them first and not rocket them onto the media front stage! This woman is an awful example of a mother. Her children should come first and they don't. -- not impressed, 09:51:30 09/03/08 Wed [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> What does being a good mother have to do with being president (or VP)? Some of the worst FATHERS in history have been president. (Ronald Reagan and JFK come to mind) Why are you picking on HER? You sound sexist -- poster from above, 11:02:28 09/03/08 Wed [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> You missed my point. You vilify her because her daughter got pregnant ("she can't take care of things at home") My point being, she may be a great mom and her daughter would still end up preggers (like my sisters) -- U sound like a frustrated Hilary supporter, 11:28:10 09/03/08 Wed [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> No, let me restate for you (more) -- just not impressed in any way, 12:03:49 09/03/08 Wed [1]

I firmly believe that she was put on the ticket for one purpose-to get the women's vote. She has little to no experience in any way, but is a woman and McCain is taking a gamble to get that vote. That said, I just don't think it will pay off. She does not appeal to women. Most, if not all the women I know would at the very least take a leave of absence, a family leave or adjust their job in order to see to the needs of a special needs newborn. She took only 3 days maternity leave...who else do you know that would do that? The women I know and respect would put their family first, job second. She won't play to the typical American women, certainly not those who vote and who the McCain campaign is trying to woo. The women I know would want to oversee the care of their special needs child, be there for the therapies, and doctor visits that will surely ensue. They would also see a young 17 year old's pregnancy as a red flag to their parenting...for sure! Even thought "this happens in the best of families" it isn't a moral thing, and is in short, a tragedy being played out in full media exposure, brought about by Palen's own selfish drive to the white house. She may be a good government leader, but I and the women I know would advise her to take her time, take better care of her family in crisis, and see to her aspirations at a better time. She is NOT the role model for young women, neither is her minor pregnant child and neither is the hypocritical party.

Oh, and by the way, I am not a frustrated Hilary supporter. Although, I see her as a better role model...she has a much better education, better experience and more importantly, raised her daughter very well.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> From what I see, she has done quite well for herself and her state.(more) -- baffled by the vitriol, 14:48:29 09/03/08 Wed [1]

And she certainly didn't take the easy way out by aborting her Down's child. A close friend of mine has such a daughter and she is the light of their lives. I think Palin is a fabulous example for girls and women who respect ALL life. Her daughter gets thrust into the spotlight for having her baby and not aborting the child, who knows what politicians' daughters have gotten pregnant, but have chosen abortion? Maybe even some current ones. How do you know and how dare you judge? And a pregnant daughter (or son who fathers a child is not a red flag for bad parenting. THAT was my whole point which you refuse to accept. People make their own decisions when faced with being sexually active. Your parents aren't with you on every date. People make mistakes. Especially 18 year olds. And EVERY woman I have spoken to thinks Palin is being unfairly treated by the media and held to a higher standard because she is a woman. Which in this day and age is truly unfortunate!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> But what kind of mother knowingly thrusts her daughter into the media spotlight? No one I know or respect. -- That is my point, 14:52:32 09/03/08 Wed [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> But she isn't responsible for the media's actions. THEY chose to do that. Of course, when it comes to Chelsea or Obams's kids, they are off limits. -- WHY?, 06:01:01 09/04/08 Thu [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> They're not as interesting! you know, not pregnant at 17 and just little cute kids! -- oh no!, 12:03:30 09/04/08 Thu [1]

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