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Date Posted: 08:43:46 12/11/08 Thu
Author: Ally
Subject: Thinking about next year's projects...

I have a couple of quick questions for all you lovely Mums of dancing sons! Since I'm sure you have sooo much extra time at this time of year ;)

While I'm sitting here filling my Christmas orders (I co-own a little handmade business http://www.iheartthatdance.com), I'm thinking about what I'd like to do next year, and I'm hoping you might be willing to help with some advice.

1) I made some shirts for my husband for Christmas this year, and I'm quite pleased at how they turned out. Plus making shirts is surprisingly quite satisfying! So I was wondering if you Mums are having any trouble finding shirts for your sons to wear while competing? If so, what's the biggest issue? Fabric choices, sizing? What would you be willing to pay for a custom made shirt? How about vests, ties and pants, any problems there?

2) If you go to our website, you'll see we are yet another female-centric vendor. Which is mostly, right now, because Nic and I started making these items for ourselves and only started selling after we got a bunch of inquiries at feiseanna. But we're 100% custom business, we don't HAVE to buy 100 of something and hope it sells and we'd LOVE to have a selection of items for guys. But what? What are your guys wanting? Sky's the limit! Nic and I are happy to make it, we just don't understand men at all, even though we are both old married ladies now LOL!

Thank you so much for reading my rambly message (can you tell I'm putting in 14 hour days behind my serger?? LOL) Any ideas or suggestions are sincerely appreciated -- feel free to respond here for all to see or send us an email via the link above :)

Cheers, and Merry Christmas!

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[> It is hard to find bright patterned, shiny shirts for the boys. If it was much over $50 for a shirt, I'd probably not order though. One popular thing for the boys is contrasting cuffs/collar to the shirt. Ties with some crystals are also getting popular. -- my 2 cents : ), 11:57:34 12/11/08 Thu [1]

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[> [> And vests with crystal buttons with a bit of bling in the material but not too much -- ecr mom to a ds and dd, 12:35:35 12/11/08 Thu [1]

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[> Thank you! That's really helpful -- I wouldn't have guessed the bling actually (not a problem, crystals we got :) ) -- Ally, 05:41:06 12/12/08 Fri [1]

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[> [> Bling is hot but the shirts need to be very tailored and look/ fit like a buisness shirt, not like a blouse, or the bling looks too fem. Think Hottie at Paris fashion week rather than Liberacci (sp?) -- Also bling should be colour on colour, black sequins on black vest, red gems on red tie, just to give sparkle and bring attention not to look "pretty", 07:08:48 12/12/08 Fri [1]

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[> [> [> That's what I was envisioning also (the tailored look) -- also I'm assuming that any sparkle in the material should be subtle (like light-catching on stage as the dancer moves, not blinding). -- Ally, 11:11:13 12/12/08 Fri [1]

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[> [> [> [> Yes, that's what I'm thinking. I need to find some material & get TC's approval first. But DS needs a new vest & store bought ones are too darn short... -- ecr mom, 18:46:10 12/14/08 Sun [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> Try feispants.com. Christine is great!! -- mom to ds, 18:06:46 12/16/08 Tue [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> [> I have a seamstress but tc needs to approve material - the old vest is a great look for ds but we need to make it longer & I won't have to pay for shipping fee & such but thanks, -- ecr mom, 09:22:52 12/18/08 Thu [1]

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[> Did anyone see the fab shirts at the SRO in the mens store, name escapes me at the moment. But they fabric and patterns were great. They were mens shirts and a little pricey starting at $298 but the ideas were gorgeous and the vests were similar quality. -- well fitting and chic, 10:57:09 12/12/08 Fri [1]

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[> We would love this! I just paid $150 for a custom shirt & vest. A selection of ties with some bling and cufflinks (not too bling - calls attention to arm issues) would also be welcome. -- MW Mom, 08:42:50 12/16/08 Tue [1]

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