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Subject: Rectal exam.

Dartman25 (Embarrassed)
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Date Posted: 18:03:22 02/25/25 Tue

I was having trouble with hemorrhoids and decided to go to the doctor. I went to a local clinic. They were busy and I had a good wait in the lobby and the exam room. They asked in the lobby what I was here for, and I said I need to see a doctor. Too embarrassed to say hemorrhoids in a busy lobby. I was taken back by a nurse who asked what I was here for for. I told her hemorrhoids, she said I was in misery. I agreed. She left and later the door opened and an attractive woman came in. My face went red. She was very nice and professional which helped me a lot. She asked me about my symptoms, more embarrassment. She said to drop my pants and roll on my side as she gloved up. I laid there and I felt her hand on my butt, I laid my head down as she spread my butt. She said she couldn’t see anything and needed to do a rectal exam. She lubed her glove and place her finger on my anus and said bear down. I did and she put her finger into my rectum. It was very embarrassing and it hurt. She quickly found the problem. She said she was going to prescribe a suppository for me. And that a steroid shot was a good idea. I said okay. She said clean up get dressed and wait for the nurse and she would be back after. The nurse came in and said she was going to give me a shot and to stand and drop my pants and underwear. I did, the shot went in and hurt. The nurse put a bandaid on the site said to get dressed and wait for the doctor. She returned and gave me a prescription, she asked if the nurse had been in, I said yes. I filled the prescription and my problem went away quickly.

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