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Are you feeling [] calm and self-confident? Well, that is easy to correct. Do something embarrassingly stupid and let people find out. Let people know if you are taking steroids, in particular, and they may understand some of your odd behaviour. In any event, you will be much more humble and circumspect in the future, as you go around inadequately clothed!
When people find out that you deal with a genuine Google spammer, they will quietly start to stay away. They may talk behind your back, but you can be certain that you will never hear about it.
When you deal with a Google T-Shirt spammer, you can feel exposed and embarrassed. And best of all, it is durable. It may stick around on the interweb for years. People will point at you as an example, a caution to the youth,. So why would you deal with someone who cannot make the grade as a Google GMail spammer? Only because you did not know. And, now you know! | Other great GMAIL opportunities: |
When you buy t-shirts from the Google GMail promoter, you can do more. Not just for yourself, but for your young relatives. Help them feel exposed and vulnerable to pink promotion. They may not thank you, but they are sure to remember!
All transactions backed by the Google three-way warranty:
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043 | ||||
Illustrations do not show actual Google GMail pink promoters and are furnished mainly to illustrate how exposed you might be if you were to actually identify yourself and send money. Not approved by the NJ Gaming Commission. Approval by the Atlantic City Trump Casino Redevelopment Authority may be pending. |