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Subject: Seaking Florida contestants

Ms. Florida Ultimate Queen
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Date Posted: 21:46:53 07/05/07 Thu

2007 Florida’s Ultimate Queen

Mail-In Pageant
Ali Tenney, Ohio’s Ultimate Miss 2006

The Florida’s Ultimate Queen Mail-In Pageant is an official preliminary to the America’s Ultimate Queen National Pageant.

Age Divisions
For the 2007 competition, we are seeking delegates for the following age divisions:
Teen (ages 13-17)
Miss (ages 18-24)
Mrs. (ages 35 and up; married)
Classic Queen (ages 18 and up; size 14 and up). Miss and Classic Queen may be any marital status and may be a single parent.

Competition Categories
Interview (25%), Photogenic (50%) and Bio (25%)

$200 entry fee paid to the America’s Ultimate Queen in April 2008; winners are required to pay the $100 registration fee for nationals. If there are at least 30 entries, the registration fee will also be paid.
State Crown and Sash
Gift Bag of Prizes

Applications, entry fee and all other documents must be

submitted by November 3 and winners will be announced on

November 17.

For information on becoming a delegate and to receive your application packet, contact Vanessa King, Director at:

Email: OHUltimateQueen@aol.com

Phone: (614) 638-5531

Pageant Mailing Address:
Vanessa King
Ohio’s & Florida’s Ultimate Queen
1358 Roberts Pl
Columbus, OH 43207

Visit the Ohio/Florida pageant website at www.ohiosultimatequeen.homestead


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