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Date Posted: 13:42:57 03/20/09 Fri
Author: Paul
Subject: Re: My meditation retreat
In reply to: Michael 's message, "My meditation retreat" on 17:05:14 03/19/09 Thu

The woman with the shawl was the only one who hasn't missed your face around here, Michael. Welcome back.

Ancient shamans and holy men would purge before meditating. I see you carried on the tradition, even if not on purpose. It's supposed to put you in a deeper trance they say.

And I for one wouldn't mind seeing you in a nurse's uniform :)

>Well, Im back! safe and well..at least I am, the other
>7 in the party have been pretty sick!
>Funny really, I was the oldest, the one who least
>likes exercise and does do all the healthy eating
>fuss....i noticed that those who are the most health
>conscious got the most sick for the longest time.
>Those who are slobs (basically me) were the least
>i was actually the first to be ill, but only slightly
>one evening. Then all the rest came down with vomiting
>and the trots over the next 48 hours. Some were still
>suffering 3 days later....bu 'cos I got it first they
>kept referring to it as 'Michael's illness'.
>I spent much of the last 72 hours acting like florence
>Nightingale. Running up and down stairs fetching and
>carrying. You offer a herbal tea to one, ask others
>then each time you bring one, it inspired another to
>think of something else. Could you do some ginger in
>the tea? some honey in the tea? Some tuli leaves in
>tea? Some toast? some honey on toast, some horlicks?
>etc etc
>In spite of which it was a fantastic time. We visited
>the Ganges..beautiful..and meditated for an hour in a
>cave by a beach by the Ganges. Everyone was amazed
>when the hour was up, it seemed like half that time. I
>thought I got hit by bat in the face at the start,
>but it turned out it was just the person beside me
>throwing her shawl over her shoulder and missing her
>back as my face got in the way.
>Wonderful time at the ashram, though.

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