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Date Posted: 15:48:37 07/06/11 Wed
Author: celtgirl ()
Subject: Pick, pick, pick......

I feel like the above words describe what I've been doing writing-wise of late. It's been two months since I last said anything on here so I thought, perhaps, it was time for an update.

It's been busy here, what with grad, and the worst head cold I've been host to since my childhood- which thankfully has departed.

Anyway to the book- I'm getting very close to the end, which is why the picking, it slows down at this point, because I'm rethreading the timelines to make sure everything lines up as it should, and changing wee details here and there because events changed ever so slightly, due to a change further into the story that I didn't anticipate. So, I feel like a hen in a yard, pecking away at seeds. But I AM getting there, slowly but surely. This week I told my family to treat me like a prisoner who has no visitation rights. So far, it seems to be working. :)

BTW, you all convinced me that there was more to that story, the snippet of which I posted last time- about the house in Paris- and so I followed the thread and wow, ended up with a large piece of tapestry. So thank you for the inspiration, it led somewhere that really surprised me.

I'll put in a couple of things that are not spoilers in any way, just for each day of writing, I usually have bits that stand out for me, because of how the phrasing came out, or the imagery actually worked out the way I envisioned- or at least came close. But I'll put those inside the first reply.

BTW, Gavin (the man who designs my covers) and I think we have the cover nailed down now. We always throw ideas back and forth. I really think if he can execute his vision (and I have no reason to doubt that he can) it's going to be gorgeous.

Last edited by author: Wed July 06, 2011 16:26:33   Edited 1 time.

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