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Date Posted: 21:04:28 06/04/01 Mon
Author: hamiriko
Subject: Bleach

In the flames which spread as far as the sky
You're the Van Gogh's sunflowers which blossom suddenly

The realism which emptied your purse, the plague, the courage of castrate which spread by you
And your dream and egoism
They all left you, scolding
Just like mama, like the noise you made several years ago
All of them were reproduced
Raped by the capitalism in an endless way
Just like the specter passed by the roof, or the headache disapeared suddenly
They ate all the mirrors, licked your tracks of defecate clean
They hung you up in the tree
They turned into flies
They put your tongue
Into the mouth of ghost

the hate you showed`the end of your hair of epilepsy`the candy and weep of your childhood`the wish of your youth`your daughter of big eyes`your unique halo`your howl`decorations`and the breast you stroked`you died of heroin and`blossomed howling blood`your odd kidney`your tiredness turned into beer`your love`your weeping radio`your unbelievable fly`the souvenir for you`your scar which filed smooth

These are ignominious blanks
my sin

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