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Date Posted: 17:50:24 12/02/07 Sun
Author: Rhylie
Subject: Going to a show....

Rhylie pulls up to her trailer and carefully backs up to it. She hooks everything up in record time. She has been doing this ever since she was little. She sits on the bumper thinking of which horses to take to the show. "Should I take....No that would be too much for her. What about...No it wouldn't be a good idea. I know who I'll take." she says and starts walking to the tack room. She grabs Flame's show halter and places it into the trailer then grabs Rythem's tack and places it in the trailer. She walks back into the tack room and grabs Mya's tack. Once that's on the trailer, Rhylie, once again, walks back to the tack room and grabs Sundancer's tack. She places it onto the trailer. Ryan and Ricky come to help and place all the grooming kits on as Rhylie finishes placing Sundancer's bridle on its hook. They all step out of the trailer and head for the stalls. Rhylie clips a lead onto Mya's halter and leads her out an donto the trailer first, as she is the heaviest. Then Ryan leads Flame on and Ricky leads Sundancer on as Rhylie leads Rythem out of her stall. She leads her onto the large trailer and hooks her up before shutting the doors. Rhylie runs into the house really quick and grabs her show clothes. She comes back out an dlocks the doors as her dogs follow close behind.

"We're not taking them, are we?" Ricky asks in a whiney tone.

"Yes. And why are you complaining? It's not like you're the one that watches after them." Rhylie says defensively.

"Ok. Ok. I'm sorry. You don't have to get mad." Ricky tells her before turning and letting down the tailgate to the truck. Cosmo, Kya, and Crimson all jump right on and Ricky shuts it back up.

"I'm sorry, Ricky. I don't mean to snap, but this is kind of a stressful day. It's the first time I'm going to a show without Blake here. And, I'll be competing aginst my friends." Rhylie replies. She places her clothes in the trailer then locks the door. Then they all climb into the truck and drive to the show grounds.....

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