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Date Posted: 20:30:52 09/25/07 Tue
Author: Rhylie
Subject: Re: Lawrence pulls in at 8:00 looking for Rhylie...........
In reply to: Mikalah 's message, "Re: Lawrence pulls in at 8:00 looking for Rhylie..........." on 16:46:40 09/25/07 Tue

Rhylie is upstaris fixing her makeup when she hears the door. "Ryan? Ricky? Will you get that?" she yells from her bathroom/bedroom.

Ryan answers the door...."Hey Lawrence. Come on in. How's it going?" he says then turns to the girl standing beside him. "Who are you?" he asks curious. "Rhylie! someone's here for you!" Ricky yells up the stairs.

"I'll be right there!" she yells back. She takes one last look in the mirror then smiles to herself. She walks out of her room, shutting off the lights as she goes, and down the hallway. Rhylie starts down the stairs in her beautiful, black with pink trim, strapless dress and black/pink sandals. She has light makeup on and her hair done up in a bun with a few strands hanging around her face. Once she reaches the bottom of the stairs, she looks around. "What's everyone looking at?" she asks curious. She walks up to Lawrence and smiles then looks at Mikalah. "What's up, girl?" she asks, being polite.

"Smile!" Ricky says holding a camera. Ryan has another one and after he takes a few pictures of them, pulls Lawrence aside. "You remember what I said before about me being protective of her? Well, I mean it. Take good care of her. You hear? And bring her back before 12:00."

"Come on Ryan. Don't be such a hong. He's my date remember?" Rhylie says jokingly to her brother and grabbs Lawrence by the arm. They walk out the door and up to his car. "Brothers can be so anoying." she says jokingly "Nice car. So where are we going?"

Rhylie's dress: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

her shoes: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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