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Subject: Re: Coles County

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Date Posted: 22:31:39 10/14/09 Wed
In reply to: Interested 's message, "Coles County" on 07:25:52 10/09/09 Fri

Here's my take on this topic.
#1) "Spectator" needs to calm down and relax just a bit. I will not attempt to dismantle all that you've said, but, you've misspoken a couple of times. So, your facts are not quite as clear as you think, so, just relax and don't yell at someone.
#2) "Interested" has brought up a point that I think has some merritt to it. It doesn't matter if the "group" or this spokesperson wants their names to be released at this time; Is There Something To Discuss Here? I think so. Instead of trying to trip an interested group up in some smear tactic, ask legit questions, and WFA(wait for answer). If the answers good, fine, if not, well that's fine too. But don't be so closed minded immediately at an idea posted here, simply because it was posted here. After all, You read it! Why wouldn't the interested party expect that others could read it too? I say that it has Merritt, not necessarily because of who the group is, but Tracks are bought up all the time. When CCMMRA is approached some day, are we willing to sell, or just keep beating our help to death for the mere sake to say "We Are Club Owned And NOONE'S Going To Tell Us What To Do!!"
Why are we club owned?
What are the advantages to remain club owned?
What are we going to do when we run out of Volunteers?
I think these things need to be discussed before our backs against the wall and its either SELL or BANKRUPTCY.

I've yet to have anyone notify me of their intentions to run for President next year. If Mary Ellen EVER decides to resign, WE are ALL in a world of hurt! You all have NO CLUE as to what she does year in and year out for NOTHING!!! And I could go on and on, we couldn't replace Bruce last year. He wanted to quit and we begged him to stay! Allen Knell is not preping the track next year. Whose gonna do that job? Volunteers are hard to come by and CCMMRA is pretty good about wearing them out then tossing them by the side and going on to the next free ride. Some of the people you get to volunteer with are great, and you make some really nice friends, but that's sort of the previous generations thing.
Those that sit here and spout off about things....just relax, take a breath, think about ALL you are about to type, go get a pepsi, then come back and calmly type your response. The world will be a much happier place!

Mr. Interested, if you or any member of your group wish to attend a meeting while I'm still President, You'd be my honored guests. You can e-mail me at sonnyross23@hotmail.com for the time and location of our next meeting. I'd be happy to bring this up to general membership!


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Re: Coles CountySpectator05:48:34 10/15/09 Thu

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