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Subject: Re: Coles County

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Date Posted: 09:13:27 10/15/09 Thu
In reply to: Spectator 's message, "Re: Coles County" on 16:20:23 10/14/09 Wed

>>Your lack of knowledge about the club is what stands
>>The ONLY item that the club is still paying for is the
>>Concession and it will be paid for in a couple of
>>years. The Club is a Micro-Sprint Club ONLY that has
>>allowed go-karts to run there and would most likely
>>allow them to return if they desire too. If you
>>believe that its possible for the club to allow
>>someone to lease the facility, race whatever you wish,
>>pocket an unknown amount of profit, potentially tear
>>the place up and then be able to walk away with the
>>club having no say in the matter you had better go
>>somewhere else. Considering the club members have
>>raced at all the other tracks in Ill. and Ind., and
>>are very well aware of which ones are successfull and
>>which are not, then it would very interesting to find
>>out who this "group" is that thinks they can do better
>>with Coles County than its presently doing. Besides
>>the fact that anyone that was serious and legit
>>would've spoken to the club at a meeting instead of
>>asking questions like you have here in an open forum
>>without posting your name.
>>What your asking is no different than someone giving
>>you $$$$ to rent your home, having you walk away with
>>EVERYTHING still in it (if you own anything) and
>>telling you to come back in a year.
Mr Spectator, Thank you for your response. Can you help me and tell me where my down fall in knowledge is?

1. We do intend to run nothing but open wheel.

2. The profit margin should not be of any interest to any one but the lessee/owner. If the club gets their agreed to price per month why would it matter?

3. I would also anticipate that you, Mr Spectator, would still show up just as, I assume, you do now. You could then evaluate this piece of property to see the maintenance on the property.

4. I DID NOT say that we could run this track any better, and I WILL NOT say that. This is only an option for the members of the track. If you put your hard work into this place, then think about the relief that you will have not doing it all anymore.

5. NOTHING will change other than giving some of the workers a break from the non paying positions.

6. Thank You Mr Sonny for not shutting me out and at least listening. That to me seems like the wise thing to do. Give it some thought. I appreciate it.

Again to all. I DO NOT want to offend anymore of you than I already have. It looks to me like I have really stepped on Mr Spectators toes and hurt his feelings. That was NEVER the intent here. Opportunities come around all the time and you need to start them somehow. I could go to a Board meeting, but the board members do not all show up at the meetings. I just wanted to get some information is all.

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