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Subject: The Devil's Daughter Returns - Oranthi - Revamp!

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Date Posted: 08:57:08 02/13/13 Wed

Name: Oranthi or Ori

Gender: Female

Age:3 years of age

Breed: Grey/Arctic Crossbreed

Appearance: Oranthi's main pelt color is an alabaster white, although, there are some cream colored streaks throughout, hinting to her Arctic Wolf heritage on her mother's side.
Two charcoal black ears adorn her fair head. Her legs as well sport the same color socks, leading to black claws and paw pads. Her tail is also seemingly dipped in the inky color
that also is smeared in a patch over each eye, looking for all the world she coated herself in slick oil. It's her eyes though that trap and hold the soul, deep, searing amber pools.
Her build is lithe, yet semi built as much as a femme could be, still smaller than her male counterparts.

Personality: Oranthi is a cold, calculating female. She does nothing unless she gains something from it and feeds off a deep seeded hatred and anger. The anger burns from wounds in her past,
and can lead to heavy sarcasim for those below her rank. Although, she does fear a few things, one of which is a cripling need to be near someone, to not be alone. Oranthi's headstrong
tendencies also get her into a heap of trouble, often taking on more than she candle, more wolves than she could ever hope to defeat in battle, or jumping a river which is much to wide to leap
and she often realizes her error much too late, but seems to have a knack for getting herself out of the trouble she gets into, albiet barely.

History: It had been a cold day, and Oranthi had been sick of being kicked around, being the Omega. Her heart had grown cold from all of the abuse and she wanted a taste of what it was like
at the top. Preparing herself, she waited for the morning the Alpha Female left her den alone and stalked her for near three miles before she finally ambushed the timber colored wolfess viciously.
Oranthi had made a grave miscalculation though, Astrid was much stonger than she, older, more skilled and versed in the art of battle, and she, was nothing more than a welp before the Alphena's paws.
Ori went down hard, being beaten by claw and tooth, only surviving to be humilitated further by being cast out of the pack.

This was how the white and charcoal she wolf found herself wandering the wilds, searching for anyone or anything to prove to herself she was not alone. The ice that had been in her soul now began
to encompass her heart, turning it as cold and dead as coal. Once she found a place to call her own, she swore she would take charge, become Alpha Female and lead a raid on her old home. She'd
make Astrid and the others pay. With that dreaded dream she trugged on, finally finding the Cascade Mountains and Skull Woods. Now this place she could call home.

Light, Neutral, or Rebel: Rebel

Player Name:Syn ( Was once known as Shayde)

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