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Subject: Mike Fishers Blog - August 7, 2008

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Date Posted: 09:12:49 08/16/08 Sat

A different team but we'll still be good

My first Mike Fisher Hockey Camp is nearing its end and it’s been fun working with the kids and helping out some local charities. Pretty soon, it’ll be time for us to hit the ice again for a new season.

I’ve been away a lot this summer, so I don’t feel all the way up to speed on what’s happened during the off-season. But I’ve been following it a little. With a new coach, Craig Hartsburg, and seeing some guys go, we’ll be a different team this season, that’s for sure. But I think our team’s still going to be good. We’re still fairly young and guys are still improving and getting better. We signed some guys that are going to be around for awhile now.

I think it’s going to be a great year. Even learning from last year and some of the adversity we faced is going to help us. So will just having the time off to heal your body and to prepare mentally and to get ready. I think we’ll be more excited coming to training camp because it’s been awhile since we last played.

The knee I injured at the end of last season feels really good. It took a little while after the season to rehab it, but my workouts have been good. Already, I’ve been on the ice a little bit and it’s been going well. There shouldn’t be a repeat of last year, when I missed a lot of training camp. That was my groin that caused that problem and it feels much better now I’ve been able to train a lot harder this summer and skate more and that’ll be good.

I had a conversation with Craig on the phone a while back. I’m excited about what I think he’ll bring to our team. I think he’ll be really good for us. We can’t wait to get started.

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Re: Mike Fishers Blog - August 7, 2008Christina08:45:59 08/20/08 Wed

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