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Subject: Re: [校園暴力] 某校工追打中七學生!

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Date Posted: 08:58:35 12/22/08 Mon
In reply to: Johnny (F5 2004 Graduate) 's message, "Re: [校園暴力] 某校工追打中七學生!" on 04:49:36 12/22/08 Mon

>I can understand the anger of those F.7 students. Your
>passion in sfxc and sense of righteousness should be
>Everyone can understand your request for a fair
>treatment to the school janitor. Yet things can be
>handled in a more constructive way.
>I believe if you guys stay clam and ask the staff, esp
>some of the kind teachers, what punishment will be
>given to the janitor in case of repeat behaviour, you
>will have a answer. Besides, have you ever considered
>that verbal warning is already given to the janitor?
>The school just simply doesn't have any obligation to
>inform you or announce to all the students. I assure
>you that our school will take any action to protect
>the reputation and, more importantly, the students.
>But please don't expect the school will fire an
>employee with one or two misbehavior.
>To add on, AppleDaily has quoted this website as their
>source in the news. Any unfavourable post will be a
>potential threat to our school fame. So if anything
>you would like to complain, please make it as
>constructive as possible and talk to the school
>At the same time, our school should remain transparent
>in handling students complaints and keep communicating
>with them esp to our rational senior students. Means
>like announcement by teacher in class or small talk
>will help easing the tension between students and
>school, and hence improving the school harmony.
>As stated by some students, it really happened: the
>case was reported by AppleDaily. Everyone is upset.
>Yet it's now time for both the school and students to
>learn a lesson and move forward.
Is verbal warning really enough?
the janitor attacked a student,a case that should be reported to the police
from the very beginning the school authority should make all stakeholders, especially the parents and students,informed of the incident
this is what we expect from a transparent and accountable management authority

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