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Date Posted: 23:57:02 02/02/09 Mon
Author: John Currens
Subject: Re: 1847 sappers and miners springfield
In reply to: geo 's message, "Re: 1847 sappers and miners springfield" on 09:23:08 01/02/09 Fri

>Anybody live firing the ships carbine? If so what size
>ball and load. What range and accuracy can I expect
>from this weapon. 40-50 yds for white tail?

80 grains of ffg or 60 to 70 grs of fffg. I use a 715 bll over a 1/2 inch felt wad which I have been known to sometimes split in half to a 1/4 inch depending on what I have in m pouch. Also put a light patch some leaves or even a piece of kleeex on top to keep the ball from rolling down the barrel. Buck and bal loads work well and if I were hunting would be my load of choice as the buck ( Try OOO ) doesn't seem to affect the acuracy but experiment I use 3 or 4 OOO ar OO on top held loosely in place with anything light like a cleaning patch THe ships carbines are a true 12 gauge rather than the larger 76 caliber. 12 inch gong is reasonable to hit at 50 yds and I probably can do that at longer ranges but need to get my cataracs fixed first. Divie has 715 rb and I would suggest getting a few hundred of them and seeing how many you can use practicing. That is the key. Also when you are out hunting make sure that you have a good flint in and the pan and touchhole is clean and periodically check the flint to ensure that the flint hasn't loosened in handling

Good luck with your deer

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