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Date Posted: 15:13:27 04/11/09 Sat
Author: Witt Sullivan
Subject: Re: caplock double barrel pistol
In reply to: geo 's message, "caplock double barrel pistol" on 09:32:00 03/04/09 Wed

>What are the specs on the caplock double pistol. i.e.
>weight/barrel lngth etc. How does the pistol stack up
>against the Pedersoli howdah pistol in 20guage?Some
>owners are saying they use the pistol for hunting deer
>to 40 yards but I find that a lil dubious. Opnions

I got one a few months ago. It's pretty neat.

It weighs a hair over 3 lbs.

The barrels are 8 1/8" to the breechplug and 8 7/8" to the rear of the nipples.

Overall length is about 14 3/4".

Pete mic'd my barrel at .638" at the muzzle, it's closer to an 18 gauge than a 20 gauge. Don't buy 20 gauge overpowder wads or 20 gauge overshot wads, they're too small. Get 18 gauge instead. I used a 7/8" gasket punch with cardstock to make my wads and they do a good job at keeping everything from dribbling out. The fibrous cushion wads and plastic wads in 20 gauge work fine, though. I put an overshot card under the 20 gauge overpowder wads to make sure it doesn't let powder dribble out. I bought 1000 of them, what else can I use them for? :)

I'm loading up to 45 grains of Goex/Triple Seven FFg with good results with 75 grains of #7 birdshot, 12 pellets of #1 buck, or a .60 grain ball. Since it's 18 gauge instead of 20, both figures could be bumped up a bit. It was starting to kick a bit at 40 grains, but not uncomfortably so.

I wasn't sure what size patch to use, so I bought a pack of .010 and .015" thick patches and use them in various combos. I have yet to put it on the bench to pattern it, but it shoots way low, you have to aim near at the bottom of a milk jug to hit it at 15-20 feet, but I'm going to experiment with the different patches this summer. I can occasionally hit my 18" gong at 20 yards or so with a pumpkin ball.

I had to buy a ramrod because I couldn't find any blackpowder accessories in the same pitch as the ramrod that comes with the pistol. I bought a 20 gauge ram tip and glued it to a 3/8" oak dowel rod and bought a 2" wooden craft ball to use as a handle so I could tap the overshot wad in place without crushing the shot or getting the wad off center.

I also wanted to get nipples that would fit snug with the US Musket caps that I can get locally, the nipples on the pistol are for English musket caps that you can only mail-order or get up North. I haven't been able to find nipples that are threaded right yet, the nipples are threaded in some English Colonial pitch, so I make do by egging the caps with my fingers like I do with my cap and ball.(Squeezing them with my fingers to make them oval shaped) I was hoping to find some #11 nipples in that pitch in case my supply dries up. I can get #11 caps easily, so far.

The "engraving" between the barrels is more lightly stamped than on Pete's prototype, but the rest of the gun is really pretty. It looks handcrafted because it is handcrafted, not cookie cutter or tacky like some mass produced BP guns I've seen. I want to get some slotted brass screws to replace the black steel screws on the brass pieces so they match and replace the black steel ring with a brass ring.

The Pedersoli is absolutely gorgeous, but since you can buy two of these .60 caliber Caplock Doubles for the price of one Pedersoli, I can overlook what few blemishes there are in this gun.

So far, I would be lucky to hit a deer at 40 feet. These guns were designed to be shoved down the throat of what you're shooting, but with the right patch/shot/powder weight, it might be possible.

Oh yeah, I can't believe I forgot to talk about the trigger pull. It might be just my gun, but the trigger pull is extremely heavy, to the point where you feel like your warping the trigger. I've got to ask Pete about that, but I'm having other problems now that I've fired it about a dozen times and cleaned it three times.

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