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Date Posted: 20:26:45 09/01/09 Tue
Author: Edward Brush
Subject: Best shooting Musket

Hello -
I am contemplating buying a smoothbore flintlock, and am looking for some opinions on the various patterns out there. I'm not a reenactor or trekker, just a guy looking for something to challenge myself with this fall and winter. So, I'm less inclined to worry about if a piece is PC or not. Heck, the T/C Hawken flinter I inheireted from my dad is nowhere near PC, what with the Lyman peep sight and all. But it sure is a riot to shoot, and that's what I'm looking for - something fun to shoot.

Which, I dunno, "breed" has the most user-friendly ergonomics? French? British? Land Pattern? Baker? M1816? I mean, when you pull up on a target, which feels the most natural? I know, sort of a subjective question, and a 18th century musket is not a Lefever SxS. But I don't have acess to anything to handle and compare, and want to ask questions first. Lots of questions.

Caliber is not so much of an issue. Sure, a .75 will have a little more bump than a smaller ball, but I am blessed with sufficient mass to absorb recoil. I'd probably run it with birdshot most of the time anyway.

Is there any appreciable difference in the speed of different locks? Durabiltiy? Reliability? Water-resistance? Weight? The just-plain-cool factor?

For what it's worth, I'm leaning towards the Ranger pattern, the shorter barrel being a mite bit handier in the cedar swamp when on snowshoes. Or a Ship's Carbine. Or ???? and a 24t bi-metal hacksaw blade - just kidding.

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