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Date Posted: 12:24:03 09/12/07 Wed
Author: Bryan K Brown
Subject: Re: Cassengard pistol and double flint pistol
In reply to: Pete 's message, "Re: Cassengard pistol and double flint pistol" on 19:39:01 09/11/07 Tue


Thanks for the reply, I assumed it didnt hurt to ask. My name should be in the 130 somewhere, so I'll wait my turn.


Bryan K Brown

>I just found out that the first production run of the
>double barrels flint pistols will be 25 pieces, not
>15. They are supposed to be ready to ship to me on or
>around Sept. 24th., so we should see them maybe the
>first week in October?
>There are upwards of 130 people on the waiting list.
>We don't take deposits, as I don't like holding onto
>people's money and am also quite aware that "life
>happens" and don't want anyone to ever feel they need
>to complete a purchase just because they put a deposit
>on it if there are more important "real-world" things
>they should be paying for.
>The short answer is: the only way to get one is to
>contact Wendy as it says on the web site and get on
>the waiting list.
>People are going nuts about these, we've had several
>people offer to pay extra to get pushed up on the
>waiting list! (no, we won't let ANYONE cut in line)
>Take care,
>>Thank you for the reply, may I inquire if the 15 in
>>the current run are all committed (ie prepaid) to
>>customers? If not are you taking "deposits" to "hold"
>>a piece? Portraying a Jaeger a source of double
>>pistols is a real win for us (mounted jaegers carried
>>a brace of double pistols). But I would like to
>>acquire and example for the folks to review.
>>Do these tend to get hung up at customs? Or do they
>>process through to you fairly smoothly. Just trying to
>>develope a WAG on a timeline, so I dont nag your
>>excessively. I had sent in an email as instructed on
>>the website to request a place in line, but had not
>>had a reply as of yet. But thought a deposit might
>>carry more wieght as "interest" in the piece.
>>Don't worry too much about the cassengard (bayonet
>>pistol), I ended buying an after market one for my
>>wife from Track, it may have been a prototype as it
>>needed some tuning. Nothing major only took an hour or
>>so. BTW she LOVES it.
>>Please feel free to contact me directly via my
>>included email address if you feel that is more
>>Bryan Brown
>>>The first production run of 15 double flint pistols
>>>on the way to us this month. Since there are two
>>>barrels and two locks, it really cuts into production
>>>time so they are only able to commit to making so
>>>at a time. Lots of factors can slow things down:
>>>Monsoon season, "wedding" season, "fesitval" season.
>>>It really is a different pace of life over there.
>>>We are hoping to keep them at as low a price as
>>>possible, but the reality is that they cost us nearly
>>>twice as much as the other pistols, again, because of
>>>having twice the locks and twice the barrels to
>>>Our goal is to retail them for $399.
>>>I'm not sure what became of the bayonet-pistol
>>>project. We used to get them from a very irregular
>>>source, but found out they could be had from a more
>>>steady manufacturer. I'll have to check with them to
>>>see what became of the project.

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