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Date Posted: 19:06:54 10/18/07 Thu
Author: Pete
Subject: Re: collector rifles
In reply to: Justin Prince 's message, "Re: Model 1816 muskets" on 17:07:01 10/18/07 Thu

Trapdoors are cool. I've been to the Springfield Armory many times. Because of the cowboy action shooting craze, there are more alternatives for ammo around now. The modern rounds that you can buy pretty much anywhere are generally loaded kind of hot, but OK to use in it. Save you brass to reload with black powder and a lead slug to see what shooting them was really like in the period.

I've got an 1884 rifle that has been shortened to a "carbine" by someone who did a hack job. I picked it up for $100 a decade ago and restocked it in the proper carbine stock after cutting the barrel down to the proper length. Got an original sling bar from Springfield Sporters. Total investment: $230. Some day I may sell the Buffington sight (correct for rifle, not on carbine) that is on it and replace it with the correct carbine sight, but it's a "back burner" project.

Just for fun, take a look at this picture and tell me what you think it is:


Hint: it is a famous gun, I understand it was on loan to the NRA museum for a while and there's a good chance you've seen it before if you are a history nerd.

>Awsome! Unfortunately I'll have to wait until later
>this year or early next for the M1816, I found a sweet
>deal on an 1873 Trapdoor at my local dealer that I
>couldn't pass up.
>As to my C&R rifles I have a modest collection, a
>Mosin Nagant 91/30 and a MN 1944 Carbine, an Ishapore
>SMLE No. 1 Mk III* and a Maltby Lee Enfield No. 4 Mk
>1, a Gewehr 88, and now the 1873 Trapdoor. Then for
>replicas I have an Armi 1842 Springfield and a James
>River 1861 Springfield.
>I'm trying to figure out I'm going to fund this
>addiction when I go off to grad school next year. I
>wonder if I can just live off hardtack :)

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