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Date Posted: 22:18:05 02/02/08 Sat
Author: Justin Prince
Subject: Re: 1853 Enfield Musket...bayonet??
In reply to: Troy 's message, "Re: 1853 Enfield Musket...bayonet??" on 19:49:35 01/12/08 Sat


What unit are you with? Check with your CO to see if they will allow Indian guns. For more info visit www.cwreenactor.com/forum for more information, but many units are banning Indian made guns as unsafe to use, even for blank fire. If yours is more of a mainstreamer unit they may allow it, and they may have your proof it to ensure it is safe. Most campaigner units would advise you not to get it. This isn't against MVT (even though Pete might think that since I'm less than satisfied with my 1816) MVT and Loyalist Arms as well. I don't know if either Enfield is fine. They probably are, but it seems based on a recent discussion of India guns many units in the CW hobby are moving to ban them. That goes for Loyalist Arms' line of 1840s, Lorenzes, 1842s, Enfields, etc.

>>Hello Pete ,
>>Does your 1853 Enfield Musket come with a bayonet? I
>>have a friend who is interested in this musket but
>>only if has a bayonet to go with is, he wants to use
>>it reenacting ...Thanks Bill
>I asked Pete the same question yesterday and he sent
>me the below email back. He states:
>Last month, we got in a crate of bayonets, but in the
>case of the Enfields, they aren’t included in the
>price since we had no source of bayonets for them when
>we started carrying the Enfields and at this time are
>offering them separately. We’ll have to raise the
>price on the musket when we add the bayonet to the
>deal, and for now they bayonets are available
>separately (don’t know the cost, you’d have to check
>with Wendy or Kathy on that, I stay out of the
>paperwork). The only other musket we offer that the
>bayonet is an extra cost item is the Baker, because
>the bayonets are pretty expensive and we can’t afford
>to throw them in free.

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