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Date Posted: 17:36:04 09/17/07 Mon
Author: nara
Subject: review of meeting today-Sept 17th.

Hey family,

Just a review of what we talked about today at our meeting.
1. server name and password, if you forgot it, just ask me and i will give it to you again.
2. All information including, pictures, documents will be on the server under Folder 2007-08, folder - Norland studios. There is the main Document , which has our main layout.
In each of the pages folder(ex. page4/5) there will be a pic and a doc folder, use those to drag/store information.
3. Vivien & John: If there are changes to the main document layout, make sure it has 12 pages/facing pages. Page size:8.5x11. All margins .5, NO BLEED. All pictures in TIFF format. 3 columns is the common style- can change if need be.
4. Kat: just to remember on Sept thur, 27 between 12-6pm there will be a pre-mark for pages 4/5 in L220.
5.Everyone: pages 4/5 is DUE on Sept, 28th between 11-12.
6. Pages 4/5 i have already typed out on word perfect, they will be on the server tomorrow morning in the doc folder.
7. viv&John: Make sure it stays word for word, no changes.
The pictures for page 4/5 are already in the pic folder for you both, yet you can also find them in the zzzzsupplied folder that kev supplies. Any supplied information from Kev is found in that folder.
8.Kat: it would be a good idea to proof read page 4/5 and then once done that tell Viv and John that, its good to go for them to use.

thanks you all

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