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Date Posted: 15:01:44 09/24/07 Mon
Author: p.kev


HELLO FOLKS: and welcome to a dose of industry.

Today in bill mag was just that. A day you had most likely other things planned and the boss comes by and drops a bombshell on your desk...have this done by 4pm. So what did we learn from this:

be ready for the unexpected at the office.

Other wonderful things we revisited have been entrenched previously during our formative years and with 10 weeks till placement it looks like they need to be reaffirmed.

DISECTION: some publishing units felt the sting today of some very common attributes I've tried to instill into you.

a) follow directions
b) follow sampled success

MULTIMEDIA COMP: again some publishers lead themselves astray (or even others) for their meeting today regarding the multimedia comp and a review of the concept was bypassed. What do we all learn from that ... as ranted during first year:

a) dont listen to your class/office mates (especially now that we are competing for thousands of dollars worth of publishing rights
b) when in doubt ... go to the source that executed the request


It was quite interesting canvassing the room today to watch this. Its been a while since we had a setting such as this especially as a full class ... but some observations were:


It is a publishers job to make the request, a coordinators job to assist the prep and the designers job to create. On several occasions I had to shoo the incorrect hands working the controls of the design software. A publisher infringing on the work space of an art director would not sit well in the industry.

Art directors, if you have a publisher or coordinator that tries to inflict his/her self onto your machine...i give you the power to say ... "Please, move away from the computer"...its your work space ... own it.

SPECIFICATIONS: it was clearly established with the art team the specifications regarding live area of our publication and the restrictions of bleed material ... cant tell you how many confused publishers i had when i refused to accept their final material...most likely since it wasnt posted on the message board for them to even know about. Publishers I hope you spoke to your art director regarding this hiccup after your ill fated attempt at submission.

TIME MANAGEMENT: 4 out of 12 units submitted their final output past the 4pm deadline. It's the age old story of the

"floor hockey player v. the chicken"

Setting and maintaining team deadlines is a publisher responsibility ... just like the floor hockey player who sets his goal early to allow breathing room for the unexpected.

Pointing fingers at the inanimate object of a printer...doesnt cut it in our industry ... u have a deadline to meet ... FIND A PRINTER THAT DOES WORK would be barked towards your general direction.

Well my darling 3rd years with 10 weeks till you hit the industry, we have some work ahead of us...not only preparing fine looking material (as I know you will) ... but your function at the office to allow you all to be a benefit to an organization.

Im sure we'll all get there !! Its my job to fully prep you for the new industry adventures that lay ahead of you.

signed your bad ass but oh-so-means-so-well

teacher kev

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