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Date Posted: 09:01:24 10/29/07 Mon
Author: nara
Subject: page 6&7 infor, on server too

Page 7 standing headline- Chronicle
Headline/subtitle- create your own

By Bill Merriott

There is a sport’s maxim that records are made to be broken. Even though you think that some will never be broken, along comes an individual like Barry Bonds or Tiger Woods, or a team that does that near impossible.

That will be the legacy of the 05/06 Chronicle sales team; a great team effort to establish a new Chronicle sales record for the year bettering the old mark by 4%.

The sales team was lead by Brad Bailey and Kristen Sibley. They were the top sales reps for their respective semesters, and set the tone for the class. But there were many great performances as 29 out of the 55 student reps achieved an A or better in sales.

Overall this was a team of dynamic individuals who blended together well as a team to produce incredible results. They established a new record… for how long remains to be seen. But they are the record holders. All hail the record holders!

Headline/ subtitle – create your own

By Kevan F. Drinkwalter

The one expression to describe the efforts of the graduating class of 2007 (production teams of 2005/2006) was “down to business.” The first semester production team was dubbed quite quickly as the “quiet crew.” Each partnership seemed to stick to themselves as socially production ran quite smooth and determined. Although I do recall Kate Jackson being quite busy with revolving door of guest entering the room… and her ending string of Miss Runner Up titles (always the bridesmaid never the bride).

The follow up winner crew in second semester saw an increase of chatter and catchy buzz quotes with the usual “Ka Fa Fa Fa” chuckle at the end. Both sections showed solid dedication to the final product!

Highlighted success went to the team of Marissa Greco and Stefanie Tschirhart for top creative semester one. Semester two top achievement went to the team of Allison Boswell and Ashleigh Jacob.

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