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Date Posted: 11:53:56 09/17/07 Mon
Author: Jerry
Subject: Negros at the State Bar of California

As a former employee of the State Bar of California, I must declare that the hiring of unqualified Negros, Mongol ides and Latinos has destroyed the organization.Starting from the top--the affirmative action executive director--the negro Judy Johnson, to the State Bar Court, in which most of the judges are either Negros or Mongol ides--such as The mongolide Madge Watai, the negro Patrice McElroy, and the “Latina” Lucy Armendariz ; it is without a doubt becoming a third world country type of an organization which will resemble the Oakland School District.The concern is mainly with the mass hiring of Negros such as Judy Johnson, Patrice McElroy, Patricia Scotlan, Ruthe Ashley, Marguerite Downing and many others. The problem is the difference in raw brainpower between Whites and Blacks. According to J.P. Rushton's analysis, Blacks are more excitable, more violent, less sexually restrained, more impulsive, more prone to crime, less altruistic, less inclined to follow rules, and less cooperative. The Testing of Negro Intelligence, are that the Black, on the average, scores 15 to 20 points lower than Whites. This research has recently been confirmed by the bestseller, The Bell Curve. The average overlap (in which exceptional Blacks score the same as Whites) is only 11%. Equality would require a 50% overlap. According to Professor Henry Garrett, author of Children: Black and White, for every one gifted Black, there are 7 to 8 gifted Whites. He also states that 80% of gifted Blacks are of mixed blood. In addition, the researchers Baker, Eyseneck, Jensen, Peterson, Garrett, Pinter, Shuey, Tyler, and Yerkes all agree that Blacks are inferior in reasoning and abstract thought, numerical calculation and conceptual memory. It should also be noted that those of mixed blood score higher than those of pure Black ancestry.Do you trust those people to serve you??Unfortunately, things will only get worse if this practice does not stopped.

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