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Date Posted: 15:23:45 03/01/08 Sat
Author: Delicious-Money
Subject: Are You in Noss, Tocs, Casharrives365? You NEED to Read This!þ

Dear Friends,

Over the last few months many of us have spoke on a regular basis about the Noss gifting program my brother found that we got involved in. Some of us only spoke at the beginning and for the most part, from what you relayed to me, the reason a lot of you did not join was due to the high cost, which was $500 - $3,500 and $120.00 yearly website fee which had to be sent overnight to the processing center. Most all of you told us that if the program ever added a lower cost level to get involved, to let you know. Well, over the last few months we have learned a lot about the program and we definitely identified some of the drawbacks.

A few weeks ago a group of us had a conference call to discuss the Noss program and see how everyone was doing, what was working, and what wasn't. The people on the call are people who are
actively working the Noss program and had some pretty good results in a 2 - 4 month period. My brother ($60K), Jim ($30K),Tom ($50K), myself ($23K), and a few others were on the call that all generated some cash.

We spoke of the biggest challenges we were facing when sharing the program with others. The # 1 problem we all agreed on was the amount of money to join the program. Yes, we all had some level of success, and yes, there are people who have the money, but the amount of people you have to put this in front of for the amount of people that actually became involved, was quite large. Most people just don't have the money to come in at $500, let alone $3,500. With $3.00 per gallon gas, the real estate, mortgage, housing and construction related industries in a downward spiral, people are really having a tough time right now making it. $500 - $3,500 is out of the question for 95%of the people we talk to.

The second biggest obstacle or red flag for a lot of people was having to put $120.00 cash in an envelope and overnight it to Hawaii for $30.00. We also talked about the lack of customer service within Noss.

We all agreed if there was a program, similar in most ways to Noss, but the fee to join was substantially lower, the conversion rates to get people involved would be drastically higher. Tom has spoke to well over 1000 people about the Noss program. I have spoke to at least 400. Through all the people Tom has spoken to, he truly believes that he could have closed 70% - 80% of these people if the fee to join
was lower. We collectively agreed that if we had a program where someone could join for $100 it would be a huge success. The big problem is one didn't exist - until now.Tom has found someone to build a program where we could actually have input to the content and how it would work. None of us would have anything to do with the daily operations or would own any part of this program in any way.

Here are some of the key points of the New Program that we all feel would be MUCH Better than Noss or any OTHER program out there.

* $100 fee to join. Other levels of $250, $500, $1,000 - (Noss is $500, $1,000, $2000 or $3,500 at the highest level).
* $25.00 Website / Tracking software fee that does not have to be paid in cash or by overnight mail - (Noss is $120.00 cash by overnight mail).
* Upgrade for just the difference. Join at $100 and want to upgrade to $250? Just gift the difference of $150 to your inviter. This is the same for all levels. - (Noss - you have to gift the full amount at each level to move up ).
* If you join at a level in the middle, say $500, you are qualified to receive gifts at the levels below, which would be $100 & $250. - (Noss - If you join at the $1,000 level and someone comes in at $500, you are not qualified to receive gifts at that level ).
* The 1 UP system will still be used. - (Same as Noss).
* There will also be a unique "Gifts For Life" option that will allow you to receive annual gifts from people who you show the program to and they join. This is an optional part of the program and not mandatory, but this could be something really neat and could generate a substantial amount of cash for you year after year. - (Noss and other programs do not offer anything like this from what we
* could find).
* All "Workshop or Informational" calls will be recorded and will be much shorter. We think a great call can be less than 15 minutes long. You will never have to worry about getting people on a call at a specific time. We think we can get a Spanish call done very quickly as well. (Noss - calls average over 30 minutes and the Spanish call they show on the website has never worked).

We truly believe that we all will have much more success with the new program in a much shorter period of time. We also think that 95% of the people we show the program to are qualified from a monetary standpoint to join the new program.

We all have, and all will continue to spend or blow $100 on things. We do it all the time. Most people do. Gambling boats, casinos, dinners, clothes, electronics, gadgets, etc. are just a few of the ways we blow $100. The list goes on an on. If we can show people how they can actually generate $100, $200, $300, $500 per week, or per month, we can be hugely successful with this. For some people $300 - $500 per month can pay for their gas, groceries, a car payment, rent or even a good portion of their mortgage payment!

We all probably have at least 2 - 5 people that would join immediately at the $100 level. Those people also know a few people that would join immediately. That's the key. Focus on $100. That's it. Don't even worry about the $250, $500 and $1,000. They can always upgrade later.

See what ONLY $100 can Generate for YOU on a Weekly or Monthly Basis with your New Person ONLY GETTING THEIR QUALIFIER which goes 1 UP to YOU;

* Have 2 people join per week / month at $100 and they find 1 person to join at $100.= $400 per week / month to you or $4,800 per year (if done monthly).
* Have 3 people join per week / month at $100 and they find 1 person to join at $100.= $600 per week / month to you or $7,200 per year (if done monthly).
* Have 5 people join per week / month at $100 and they find 1 person to join at $100.= $1,000 per week / month to you or $12,000 per year (if done monthly).
* Have 10 people join per week / month at $100 and they find 1 person to join at $100.= $2,000 per week / month to you or $24,000 per year (if done monthly).
* Have 20 people join per week / month at $100 and they find 1 person to join at $100.= $4,000 per week / month to you or $48,000 per year. (if done monthly).

See what ONLY $100 can Generate for YOU on a Weekly or Monthly Basis with your RECEIVING LINES (RL) Going 5 or 10 Deep, which goes 1 UP to YOU;

* Have 2 people join per week / month at $100 and they find 1 person to join at $100 who finds one and this RL goes 5 people deep = $1,000 a wk / mth or $12,000per year (if done monthly).
* Have 2 people join per week / month at $100 and they find 1 person to join at $100 who finds one and this RL goes10 people deep = $2,000 a wk / mth or $24,000per year (if done monthly).
* Have 5 people join per week / month at $100 and they find 1 person to join at $100 who finds one and this RL goes 5 people deep = $2,500 a wk / mth or $30,000per year (if done monthly).
* Have 5 people join per week / month at $100 and they find 1 person to join at $100 who finds one and this RL goes10 people deep = $5,000 a wk / mth or $60,000per year (if done monthly).
* Have 10 people join per week / month at $100 and they find 1 person to join at $100 who finds one and this RL goes 5 people deep = $5,000 a wk / mth or $60,000per year (if done monthly).
* Have 10 people join per week / month at $100 and they find 1 person to join at $100 who finds one and this RL goes10 people deep = $10,000 a wk / mth or $120,000per year (if done monthly).

On that conference call we had, most of the guys are already talking how they could personally invite at least 20 people to join the first week or two the program rolls out. Some of the guys thing they could have 50 - 100 people join within the first 4 - 6 weeks. At $100, we feel most people that couldn't do Noss because of the cost will definitely join the new program.

Please email me back with your thoughts on this new program and let me know if you would like to be kept informed. I know some of you may not remember exactly how the program works or understand the "1 UP" part and I would be happy to speak with you about this so you can see just how fast this can work.

I do not want to send information to you if you have no interest. Just email me back and let me know that you are not interested and I won't send you anything else. No hard feelings. We know every program is not for everybody. We all have been friends or associates for a long time and will continue to be, whether or not you get involved.
You can email me @ delicious.money@gmail.com

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