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Subject: Re: Poetry Tag ~ Tag...you're it!!!!!

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Date Posted: 19:10:26 01/23/08 Wed
In reply to: Sasha 's message, "Poetry Tag ~ Tag...you're it!!!!!" on 18:16:47 10/06/07 Sat

over the top of her spectacles,
Mrs Bickerstaff peeked, raising one eyebrow
as she watched me try to take note
knowing I hadn't listened to a word she'd said

that is pretty much how it went, during her class,
actually pretty much that's how it went, during every class.
Always the dreamer...I was. Always invisible...I thought.
I remember the day I found out how wrong I was

walking to the entrance of our local Mall, 5 years later
I saw Mrs Bickerstaff coming towards me
she looked like she wanted to burst out of her skin,
her beautiful beaming grin, made me smile, then made me nervous
as she threw her arms around me, and held me tight..

Mrs Bickerstaff had heard that I was killed in a car accident
her joy at finding out it wasn't true could not be hidden,
and for a moment (now frozen in time) I felt like 'somebody'

Next: during every class

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[> [> Subject: Re: Poetry Tag ~ Tag...you're it!!!!!

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Date Posted: 05:58:33 02/01/08 Fri

the sting followed her
to school, and she
struggled to keep her head up
during every class
and when she did, she would
turn it to the left
to gaze out a window
that blurred and focused
on worlds outside the pages
of a history book

Next: lost lines

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Poetry Tag ~ Tag...you're it!!!!!

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Date Posted: 16:56:22 02/01/08 Fri

Seems I lost lines
long before I lost my virginity.
Since then,
I know exactly what to say.

next: what to say

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