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Subject: Re: Poetry Tag ~ Tag...you're it!!!!!

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Date Posted: 20:59:55 10/10/07 Wed
In reply to: Sasha 's message, "Poetry Tag ~ Tag...you're it!!!!!" on 18:16:47 10/06/07 Sat


I had felt, in my heart,
What I chose to deny,
Pains, caused by stupid anguish,
Selfish thoughts of loss,
As fingertips alone,
Could not hold the bond of souls,
I looked out into the new world,
Clung to the edge of my reasoning,
Unable to admit,
That I was crying,
To the weeping October sky,
Why do I feel so fragile?
Why do I feel so scared?
Is this thing with no name,
All I ever craved,
If I let go will I sear with pain?
Only time will answer me,
For now, I must cherish the gems,
That I hold to the Autumn moon,
Allowing them to flourish,
Without my pitiful ways,
For without their beauty,
My moon will cease to shine,

© Paul Osborne 2007

"That I hold to the Autumn moon,"


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[> [> Subject: Re: Poetry Tag ~ Tag...you're it!!!!!

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Date Posted: 14:07:34 10/22/07 Mon

Within the sacred hollows of night,
Where messages fly invisible,
As if the moon had delivered them
By hand,
Then I await a reply,
Heart racing,
I allow the answer access to my soul,
Filling slowly with it’s intent,
She smiles in pixels and code,
Seconds away, yet beyond the eye,
She too lays in hallowed textures,
Our words whispered with thumbs,
Heard with eyes,
No finer blend of souls exist,
Coveted and pure of life’s acrimony ,
Love falls in it’s whispering garment,
Draping our bodies as one,
Urgency and solitude combine,
In phrases sweet to the taste,
To be devoured whole,
Until the submission of ache,
Falls to the night,

Tag - Yet beyond the eye.

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