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Pam Bolter, Executive Director
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Date Posted: 12:01:57 01/14/08 Mon

Couples from around the country will be gathering together in Florida, August of 2008 to compete for the first annual PERFECT COUPLE COMPETITON!

Founded by Pam Bolter, long-time pageant veteran, Bolter plans to highlight married couples … celebrating married life, family, community, and what it takes to keep a marriage alive in the 21st century.

Bolter states, “There are so many competitions out there for women (pageants) and men (sports related) – but where are the competitions to celebrate marriage? I am hoping to bring joy, insight and hope to couples, young and old; to celebrate marriage at every stage of our lives!”

Couples will meet in Central Florida in August and will compete in the following categories:

1) Interview
Conference Style / 7 minutes per couple; each sub-category will be worth up to 10 points for a total of 50 points in interview alone
1) Personal Appearance as a Couple
2) Poise and Communication
3) Shared Values
4) Goals, shared and individual
5) Interaction (this is based on how each individual in the team interacts with their spouse AND the judges!)

2) Introduction of Delegates on Stage (i.e., Opening Number)
Up to 30 seconds for couple intro; each sub-category will be worth up to 10 points for a total of 30 points)
THEME: Couples throughout History; select a couple that best represents you; you'll have up to 30 seconds to introduce yourselves on stage and explain why this historical couple relates to you - couple can be fictional or non-fictional)
1) Originality of Outfits
2) How History Couples relates to Competing Couple
3) Presentation (verbal and interactive)

Each couple selects a sportswear that reflects something they like doing together ... it can be anything from bike riding, golfing, hiking, swimming, working out, yoga, surf boarding, roller blading, etc; this is a very open area of competition and gives the couple a chance to express themselves. (Each sub-category will be worth up to 10 points for a total of 30 points); you will have up to 30 seconds to "work" the stage; utilizing the microphone is optional)
1) How attire reflects both team members
2) Presentation/Stage Presence
3) Couples interaction with one another

Formal Wear and Q&A
Husband may wear a suit or tuxedo (should reflect his style, as well as compliment his wife's outfit). Wife may wear a gown (does not have to be full length); pantsuit or jumpsuit - but must reflect something she would wear to a black tie affair.
Couple will have 20 seconds to model on stage, and up to 30 seconds to answer their on stage Q&A. (Each sub-category will be worth up to 10 points for a total of 30 points)
1) Visual appeal of Couple
2) Stage presence
3) On-Stage Answer (both must talk during this answer)

Extra Credit Points (optional)
Each couple may present their Memory Book for up to 10 pts of "extra credit". Judges will have an opportunity to view and score your books prior to interview; they may or may not ask you questions regarding photos or documentation in your book. All books will be returned to you after your interview is complete. In addition to scoring bonus points, the following titles will be awarded from this extra credit portion:
* Most Supportive Couple * Most Inspirational Couple * Most Spirited Couple

Tie Breaking Rule
In the event of a tie, Auditor will go back to the Interview Score; should tie remain, then on to Sportswear, Opening Number and Evening Wear. Should all these efforts not resolve the tie(s), then each tied couple will have one question to answer on stage; judges will then rank the tied couple(s) in the order that they feel they should win (1 being the winner, 2 would be for second placements, 3rd third placement).
1= (10 points); 2 = (5 points), 3 = (2 points)
Supermodel Couple (optional)
Couples that submit a minimum of a one page ad (cost is $350 per ad page) will qualify for the Supermodel Couple. Winning SUPERMODEL COUPLE will receive a prize package worth $2,500, which includes a color full-page in Supermodels Unlimited. This competition will be judged by a well-known modeling agency, who will also sign the couple to a one year modeling contract. This competition is optional.
Mrs. Bolter is no stranger to pageantry – she has been active since the age of 13, as a competitor, board member, judge, and director. Not only does she bring knowledge to this arena, she brings compassion and dedication to creating the most fair opportunity for couples to compete together to celebrate the union of marriage! With the prize package is growing weekly, we’re certain you won’t want to miss out on this extraordinary opportunity!

Couples may represent the state that they live in, got married in, were born in, or attended school in … of course, special consideration will be granted to couples of military status. Also, if a delegate has represented another state or country at a national level pageant, they will be given serious consideration for same state/country at the national level competition.

Presently State Titles are being awarded on at at-large basis for each state and u.s. territory. To obtain an application or for more information, write: perfectcouplecompetition@yahoo.com or visit their website at www.perfectcouplecompetition.com

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