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Subject: Florida Workshops

Pam Bolter, Executive Director
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Date Posted: 20:34:05 02/18/08 Mon

Florida United States Pageant Workshops


WHEN Saturday, March 8th


TELEPHONE 407.426.8003

TIME 11:00 - 1:00

RSVP flauspageants@yahoo.com by March 3rd.

We will discuss pageant tips and tricks, additional information on this year's competition, and have an official crowning ceremony at the conclusion of the workshop (so if you have received your crown and banner in the mail, bring it along and we will "officially crown you" and take photos too. You can then
use this for press releases!

Regalia will provide a gift bag for each attendee and yes, you must be present to receive this!

Regalia will also have all of their new stuff for their trunk show the next weekend, so you will have the first opportunity to view, try on, and perhaps purchase something!

Regalia will also have a deeply discounted rack of clothing as well! All this for you, our 2008
Florida U.S. Delegates (and potential delegates!).

Florida U.S. Pageant

Workshop II

Who: Delegates and potential delegates who want more information

What: Free Pageant Workshop, Viewing of State and National Competitions

Where: 33 E Camino Real, Boca Raton, Florida 33432/ Movie Theater Room

Why: To help you prepare for the state competition in May! We will be watching state and national pageant DVD's, giving tips on competition areas, interview practice, make-up tips, questions and answer session

When: Saturday, March 29, 12pm-3pm

RSVP: By March 15 to msunitedstates07@aol.com

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