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Subject: Congratulations Mrs. Michigan United States 2008, Heidi Scheer!

Mrs. Michigan United States Director
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Date Posted: 13:00:58 05/18/08 Sun

Congratulations Mrs. Michigan United States 2008, Heidi Scheer! Representing Oakland County in the pageant, Heidi and her husband Doug reside in Commerce Township along with their three children Carson (8), Gannon (7), and Ella (4). Heidi is the owner of The Royal Treatment Boutique and is co-owner of Scheer Genius Productions with her husband. Together they perform, educate, and reach out to thousands of Michigan’s youth. Heidi is a national spokesperson for Autism Recovery. She has met with Governor Granholm to establish April 5th as Autism Intervention Day and Heidi has participated in rallies from Lansing to Washington D.C. As a Rescue Angel for Generation Rescue, she has served as a contact for parents looking for guidance in treating their children’s autism. As Mrs. Michigan, her outreach work will be on behalf of The Autism Society of America, the Autism Research Institute, Defeat Autism Now!, and the Judson Center.

First Runner-Up is Mrs. Northeastern Michigan Lynette Lezotte,
Second Runner-Up is Mrs. White Lake Kelly Marie Sorter,
Third Runner-Up is Mrs. East Central Michigan Monica MacKenzie, and
Fourth Runner-Up is Mrs. Western Michigan Kate Vincent.

Congratulations also to the following special award winners:

Pageantry Magazine Spirit Award: Judging Director Shelly Schutt

Ticket Sales Spirit Award: Mrs. Oakland County Heidi Scheer

Ad Sales Spirit Award: Mrs. White Lake Kelly Marie Sorter

Longest Married Award: Mrs. Oxford Elizabeth McGhee

Internet Choice Award: Mrs. Macomb County Jennifer Ann Harvala

Audience Choice Award: Mrs. White Lake Kelly Marie Sorter

Congeniality Award: Mrs. Western Michigan Kate Vincent

Best Program Book Ad Award: Mrs. Oakland County Heidi Scheer

Photogenic Award: Mrs. Northeastern Michigan Lynette Lezotte

Community Service Award: Mrs. Troy Kimberly Hodsdon

Commitment to the Arts Award: Mrs. Central Michigan Tamara Lynn Kellogg

Swimsuit Award: Mrs. Oakland County Heidi Scheer

Evening Gown Award: Mrs. Oakland County Heidi Scheer

Interview Award: (Tie)
Mrs. White Lake Kelly Marie Sorter
Mrs. Oakland County Heidi Scheer

Heidi will now represent Michigan at the Mrs. United States Pageant in Las Vegas July 20 - 25, 2008! Congratulations to all of our ladies!

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