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Date Posted: 14:25:45 02/25/14 Tue
Author: Knut Holt



Please go here to find sex toys and products to enhance potency and pleasure for men and women


Tools and toys for pleasant erotic massage and to play with your genital organs and all other sensual body parts. Exciting things to put in through your seintimate openings to make good feelings. Also pills and creams for women to enhance pleasure, intensify orgasms and to make stronger female functions. Perfumes to arouse and attract women and men. Pills, topicals and devices for penis and breast enhancement. Pills and creams to make bigger and better erections, increase pleasure and intensify orgasms. Remedies to prevent premature ejaculations.


Please go here to learn about herbs with sexual effects - also herbal aphrodisiacs:


Many common spices and vegetables as well as meny more exotic herbs have strong boosting effects on the sexual lust and ability, or can help solve sexual problems, especially if used in combination.

This page contains a short lexicon of these herbs and some products based on combinations of such herbs are presented.

yohimbe, damiana, cuscuta, cordyceps, ginger, cayenne, cardamom, ginseng, roseroot, hawthorn, raspberry, chinnamon, fo-ti, garlic and many more.


Help for many problems in all organ systems

Hemorrhoids, edema, hypothyroidism, poor concentration and memory, heart problems, over-weight, urinary tract infection, yeast infection, endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, constipation, Somach problems like IBS - irritable nowel syndrome,acne, vitiligo, aging symptoms, AIDS, allergies, Alzheimers disease/dementia, angina,
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Advices and Products for good health, fitness and sex

A lot of good advices to cure common health problems and to give generally good fitness and health. You will also find advices for training, to keep yourself young, to get muscular strength and to get good condition. You can also read advices for excining sex activities, including rectal and genital masturbation.


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Hypnosis and Its Role in Society
By Knut Holt

hypnosis,hypnotic,techniques,how to,hypnotize,hypnotist,state,mental,therapy,motivation

Hypnosis is a mental technique used to bring a person into a special state where he can be manipulated mentally in a number of ways, both for good and bad purposes. The hypnotist can manipulate a person to relax him, ease learning, enforce motivation, make him believe things, make him obey commands, repress pain, make him reveal secrets and much more.

By hypnosis the hypnotist produces a hypnotic state in an individual and uses this mental state to manipulate and control the person. A person in a hypnotic state reacts in the following ways:

- He is intensely concentrated on one object or on things going on in one specific direction, for example the talk of the hypnotist.
- He senses and remembers very easily what is going on in that particular direction.
- He does not sense other objects or happenings around him, unless these other things are particularly violent.
- He believes anything told without assessing it logically, and can easily be brought to sense thing that are not real.
- He tends to perform any order without objections, unless these orders are strongly opposed to the persons most basic moral.
- He is physically relaxed

A hypnotist can bring a person into a hypnotic state by many methods. By most methods the hypnotist will use the following general approach:

- He makes the surroundings comfortable with no disturbing elements.
- He brings the person's attention towards himself and relax him further by a calm speech, and possibly with some soft music or other artistic tools.
- He shows an object that sticks distinctly out from the surroundings. The classical example is a watch in a chain, but sometimes the hypnotist only uses his hand. The hypnotist commands the person to concentrate upon the object.
- He lets the object make some simple action that is repeated for a while, for example lets the watch swing back and forth. The hypnotist can also speak calmly and comment the action of the object.
- Then he stops the action and directs the attention of the person solely towards his voice.
- At this point, but sometimes also before, he suggests to the person that he feels relaxed, warm or have other good feelings.

By now the patient should be in a hypnotic state. A good hypnotist will however not use this procedure mechanically. He will assess the patient's mental state, and prolong or repeat parts of the procedure until the hypnosis is effective.

While the patient is under hypnosis the hypnotist can direct the attention of the patient in directions suitable for his purposes and work on the patient by suggestions, stimulations, commands and passing of information. When the hypnotist has finished his work, the hypnosis is stopped by a distinct signal. The person will often be instructed to wake up again when he sees or hears the signal.

A professional hypnotist, which typically has a healthcare education before being trained in hypnosis, can use the hypnotic state for many purposes. He can motivate a person for lifestyle changes like cessation of substance abuse. He can motivate for results within sport or business, and he can ease learning of information.

Hypnosis is commonly used to take away pain and to bring relaxation. This can be the main purpose, or the more comfortable state of the patient can be utilized to perform other types of psychological or physical treatment.

Hypnosis is used as a psychiatric diagnostic tool. A suspected victim of a crime, for example child sexual abuse, is sometimes hypnotized to bring forth evidence. This method can easily produce false evidence, though, caused by suggestions during hypnosis. For these purposes the victim and the suspected person are often interrogated in a way that gives an hypnotic effect, even though it is not called hypnosis. Hypnotic techniques for diagnosis and investigation are sometimes, and probably more often that publicly known, supported by administering of drugs that suppress critical thinking and resistance.

The success of political and religious mass movements is often due to deliberate use of hypnotic techniques towards grand audiences, even though these techniques are seldom called hypnosis. These techniques have often been developed during a long tradition within the political or religious organizations, or cooperating ones.

The leaders are deliberately trained in the use of these techniques, often in secrecy for the common members. Traditionally the techniques are used in the education of common followers at courses, schools, meetings and arrangements. But at some point in time the leaders decide to use the techniques in a grand scale in order to turn their organization into a mass movement.

Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and business consultant with a focus on the health field. Please see his web-site to find more health information. There are also presentations of products to improve health, fitness products and also of hobby items.


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How to Cure or Alleviate Edema, Including Lymphedema

By edema excessive fluid gather in body parts or greater areas of the body, making the areas swollen. Edema is most often a problem in the legs, but can occur anywhere in the body.

There are several types of edema, and many cases are also a mixture of more than one type. By lymphedema the drainage from the tissues through the lymph vessels are impaired or excessive fluid goes through the blood capillary walls into the spaces between the cells in a tissue. Edema can also occur because of poor drainage of blood through the veins towards the heart. Edema can further be caused by general accumulation of excessive fluid in the body.

The causes of edema are many. Edema is a symptom by most inflammations. Insufficient heart action by congestive heart failure can cause edema. A too high intake of salt can cause general water retention in the body. Sitting and standing long in the same position can cause edema in the lower limbs. A still sitting life without exercise can cause or aggravate edema.

Insufficiencies of the liver or kidneys can cause fluid retention and thereby edema. Edema can be a side effect of antihypertensive drugs, steroids surgery and radiation therapy. Further causes of different types of edema are varicose veins, cancer, hypothyroidism, blood clots, constipation and physical injuries.

To treat edema, it is important to treat the underlying disease or injury. However, medical treatment does not always cure the underlying condition or the cause is wholly or partially lifestyle aspects. Therefore various measures targeted directly against the edema are useful. These are presented here:

Pharmacological treatments: The physician will sometimes prescribe diuretics to reduce fluid retention in the body and thereby reduce edema. This treatment should however be used for serious edema or edema persistent when other measures do not work.

Salt intake restriction: Restriction of salt intake is an important measure by edema. People suffering from edema should avoid adding great amount of salt into their food or consume preprocessed food with a salty taste.

Diet: A good general diet that alleviates chronic inflammation is useful. The diet should especially contain enough sources of omega-3-fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids, like: Fat fish, seafood, flax oil, olive oil, almonds, rape oil and canola oil. Also vegetables and fruit in a natural shape are useful.

Avoiding constipation: Constipation should be treated, since a stomach engorged by excessive content can cause impairment of fluid circulation.

Variation of corporeal position: You should avoid sitting or standing still a long time during the day. When sitting during work or rest, you should change position with regular intervals.

Exercise: Every day you should have some exercise adjusted to your health condition. This could be walking, cycling, swimming, running or any other sport activity where you use greater parts of your body. Doing regular stretching exercises or yoga is useful. By severe edema special therapeutic exercises should be prescribed by a professional.

High position of limb: When you are sleeping or resting the swollen body parts can be placed in an elevated position by means of pillows, pads or by resting in an adjustable bed or chair.

Massage: By minor edema yourself, your spouse or a friend can massage the affected body part to alleviate the edema. The massage should be done in the direction of natural flow of blood and lymph that is towards the heart. You should however avoid massaging distinctly injured or distinctly inflamed body parts. By severe edema a professional massager should be engaged to perform the massage type called "manual lymphatic drainage".

Elastic bandaging: You can use elastic gloves, stockings, tapes or bandages around the swollen body parts during the day or during physical activities after instruction from a professional person.

Inflatable garments: There are inflatable garments to be found that can be used around the engorged body parts some times of the day. Also these should be used after professional instruction.

Sequential gradient pump therapy: One can get special electric pumps connected to inflatable garments. The pump inflates and deflates the garments repeatedly. Each garment has several rooms that are inflated sequentially in the direction of the natural fluid stream towards the heart. In this way the fluid is dynamically pumped the right way out of the engorged body part. This type of therapy is used in professional settings or at home after instruction from a professional.

Skin care: The skin on a body part affected by severe edema should attain special care to avoid and treat sores. Proper cleaning, daily use of moisturizing creams, proper rinsing of skin injuries, antiseptic creams by injuries.

Complete decongestive therapy: This is a complete set of edema treatment techniques done by a professional person combined with self-care instructed by the professional. The techniques used are: Manual lymphatic drainage, compression bandaging, therapeutic exercise and skin care.

Herbal and natural products: Many herbs and products composed of a blending of these herbs are used against edema. Such herbs are: Dandelion, Gingko biloba, horse chestnut, buchu, goldenrod, corn silk, horsetail, juniper, butchers broom, cleaver and ginger. Some people have experienced a good effect from using apple cider vinegar.

The flavonide rich product pycnognenol extracted from the bark of the French maritime pine has shown promising effects against edema according to scientific studies. The flavonides hydroxyethylrutosides also seem to have good effect against edema. Other natural substances that may help to treat edema are the flavonids diosmin and hesperidin and vitamin C.

OIL PULLING: The procedure called "oil pulling" may help for edema. It consists of rinsing the mouth with one tablespoon of natural oil for 15-20 minutes and then spitting the oil out. It is done in the morning before eating. Sesame or sunflower oils are usually recommended for this use.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. TO FIND natural drugs and healthcare equipment for use by edema or against diseases causing edema, please visit this web-page.


To see products against many other common diseases please go to http://www.abicana.com/shop2.htm

Examples: Acne, allergy, cold, flu, heart problems, constipation, hemorrhoids, depression, hypothyroidism, rheumatism, yeast infection, urinary tract infection.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1076927

How to Cure Constipation and Hemorrhoids

By Knut Holt

By constipation hard stool assembles in the lower colon or rectum without coming out in due time. This causes the stomach region to engorge, causes diffuse discomfort and sometimes sharp pain. When the hard stool eventually pass out it can overstretch the tissue in the anal region and tear up the mucosa and skin in this area.

Hemorrhoids are dilated veins in the anal area. They often get infected and inflamed, making them even more engorged and causing itching and other uncomfortable feelings. Inflamed hemorrhoids often rupture and cause bleeding and sharp burning sensations.

Prolonged or frequent constipation often causes hemorrhoids by increasing the pressure in the anal region. To treat hemorrhoids effectively, the constipation must be treated simultaneously. Here are some measures to cure constipation and hemorrhoids:

Your diet must contain fiber in each meal, since fiber stimulate the bowel to work better and empty itself in due time. Food sources containing fiber are full corn cereals, full corn bread, vegetables and fruit.

Your diet must contain the right amount of fat. Too little fat makes the stool hard, too much can irritate the digestion. Vary between these natural fat sources: Fat fish, almonds, olive oil, rape oil, canola oil and flax oil. The fat type in these oils alleviates inflammations in the digestive system. In addition you should consume some, but not too much of these fat sources: Nuts, sunflower seeds, avocados, eggs, spawn, sunflower oil, corn oil and soy oil.

Drink enough water, since water makes the stool softer.

Eat regular meals each day. Do not overfill your stomach at each meal. It can be better to eat four or five smaller meals that three larger.

Go to the toilet every time you feel the urge to pass stool. Relax at the toilet and let it all get the time to pass out. Try to avoid straining to pass the stool out. To ease the passing of stool you can smear the anal opening with vaseline or with special ointments made for this purpose.

Two tablespoons of linen seeds each day for some time can loosen the stomach content and help to alleviate constipation and hemorrhoids. Let the seeds lie in water one hour before swallowing both the seeds and the water with the dissolved mucus from the seeds.

By hard constipation, it can be useful to take a small or middle sized enema a couple of times each week. You can buy enema ampoules that are easy to use for this purpose. The content of these ampoules not only loosens the stool, but also stimulates the bowel to empty itself. A very great enema can however increase the intestinal pressure and worsen the hemorrhoids.

Two or three cups of coffee or tea each day stimulate the intestines to work better and counteract constipation. Too much, however, can irritate the stomach, can cause bloating, and thereby worsen constipation and hemorrhoids.

Use strong spices in your food like cayenne, chili or ginger. These spices stimulate the tissue in the digestive system to heal. Too much of these spices can however irritate your digestive system.

Regular exercise will stimulate your intestines to work more effectively and this way counteract constipation and hemorrhoids.

Take also some time each day to stress down and relax. A nervous system in a stressed mood sends fewer signals to the digestive system to work, and the digestive system slows down its function. Meditation is a very effective way of stressing down that also stimulates the digestive organs to work better.

You can alleviate acute hemorrhoids by applying topical ointments in the anal region. These products will do several simultaneous actions: Lubricating the anus to pass stool more easily, alleviating inflammation, killing bacteria infecting the hemorrhoids, stimulating tissue healing and alleviating pain.

You can also use oral drugs to treat hemorrhoids. The actions of these are: Stool softening, stimulation of intestinal movements, stimulation of tissue regeneration, anti-inflammatory action and pain relief.

Some of these oral or topical products are pharmacological drugs. Others are based on natural plant fibers, herbs, natural oils, vitamins and minerals. Some of them combine natural agents with synthetic chemicals.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. To find more health information, smart fitness products, anti-aging products and natural drugs to help for common health problems, including constipation and hemorhoids, please visit:


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